With the AGM coming up on June 27 in Vancouver, BC and a possible conference call after the year end financial statements and the first Quarter results are released (with a Lamaque update) this week (tomorrow?) I thought it might be worthwhile to start compiling a list of questions for our infamous leader and the neutered Board of Directors to answer. Anyone listening to the CC or attending the AGM would then be able to ask some questions. I'll start off with the first question:
1) Madame Kent, will you immediately tender your resignation from Century Mining? If not, why not?
will you please allow the mine manager at lamaque to be in on the conference call.p.s. hi all .cwd2
2) Madame Kent, I still rate Century a big fat F when it comes to communicating with shareholders, and the market. Why doesn't Century provide a bi-weekly update on the progress of Lamaque until it becomes cash flow positive? The company can discuss tpd progress being made, mine areas being developed, ore areas being mined, progress with recruitment drive, training efforts being made, current challenges/issues being faced and actions being considered to bring resolution, results relative to plan for items like tpd, grade, staffing, recruiting, equipment, ....., new equipment leased and mobilized, updates on permits/dewatering discussions with Quebec's evironmental dept, exploration information (i.e. areas being drilled, areas being looked at through the computerized modeling system)....... There may not be significant changes with each update, but that's alright - there doesn't need to be, as ommunications to shareholders is all about investors being informed about their investment. Shareholders that invest with junior companies generally understand that their will be challenges, but how can they assess the situation if they are kept in the dark for long periods of time. What do you get when a company poorly communicates? You get an $.18 stock price, and a stock price that has fallen (almost non-stop) from $1.89. You get a high level of uncertainty. You get a total lost of management credibility. You get former shareholders being hesitant to jump back into the water once things begin to look up. You get new potential shareholders not bothering to invest with the company because they are poorly informed on current situations. You get people that are skeptical (and often completely lost) because they don't see consistent updates to basic fundamental areas of the company. You get shareholders feeling like there is no hope. You get a CEO and BOD that has demonstrated absolutely no compassion for the nightmare shareholders have gone through over the past couple of years, IMO.
Management probably feels that contant updates are not required for Lamaque, hance we haven't gotten any since March. I say, with an $.18 share price, how would it have hurt to provide more consistent updates (something similar to what I have suggested in this post) about our bread and butter project (Lamaque). There are also plenty of avenues to provide such updates to the shareholder base (via posting info on the company's website, News Releases, Shareholder Newsletters issued on website)......
It is quite puzzling to me.
When I visited head office in February, Brent said he was in favour of regular updates for Lamache. PK was not in favour. In a recent email[2weeks ago], Brent said that Lamache was on target for recruiting ug miners[1-2/week].I agree that the lack of information has caused me to not purchase any more shares at these levels even though I have purchased my fair share at levels above $1.
Will you announce a bridge financing loan this week that does not come with convertible debt?
Will a bridge loan be secured/disbursed in time to ensure that 2008 forecasts are not negatively impacted?
Will Century be cash-flow positive by September 2008?
Please explain how you will structure Lamaque mine assets in a Fortis long term debt deal?
Are you discussing mergers with other junior miners?
Production, PK doesn't give a rat's azz about shareholders. Her ego has almost destroyed CMM. The board have been 100% negligent in their fiduciary duties by allowing her to freewheel with the chequebook and without a plan. BJ must be horrified with the situation he has found himself in. The TAM shareholders must be holding their collective breath. She will have a lot of time on her hands to destroy TAM when she gets the boot from CMM.
It is obvious PK's ego is first and foremost..Shareholders mean nothing as we have seen by the way she has run the company into the ground....Unbelievable that the s/p now at .165,,how can she face shareholders? If she had a shread of decency she would resign,,although that is highly unlikely,,as someone referred to the board as "neutered" ,,that's a keeper! they would reject her resignation and make some lameazz excuse as to why the market has placed the current value of Century at near nil
have a nice day all
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