Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Growing bulk mining potential at Lamaque

As we know, high grade zones / bulk mining zones are substantially cheaper to mine.

Bulk Mining potential at Lamaque (both mid-term and long-term potential):

1) April 6’09 NR – discovery of 3 completely separate new zones with bulk mining potential, located at points between the surface and 2,000 feet down. ‘Of more significance, is that some of these holes are step outs of over 300 feet from the main mine areas. There is a high probability that the ore extends from the main mine workings to these newly modeled intersections.’

Zone 1) – drill hole#1243 – 4.6 meters true thickness @ 30.2 g/t gold

- drill hole #369 – 10.6 meters true thickness @ 22.0 g/t gold

- drill hole #10875 – 1.7 meters true thickness @ 37.3 g/t gold

Zone 2) – drill hole #1676 - 3.0 meters true thickness @ 29.1 g/t gold

Zone 3) – drill hole#9251 – 4.2 meters true thickness @ 23.5 g/t gold

– drill hole#9477 – 7.2 meters true thickness @ 8.5 g/t gold

2) June 23’09 NR (today) – located between 2,000 and 2,600 feet below the surface (231,333 ounces of M&I and 12,938 Inferred ounces added)

*drill hole #5729 – 15.6 meters true length @ 27.3 g/t gold – “a diamond drill hole within a dyke structure containing 51 true vertical feet grading 27.3 grams per tonne including 3.5 feet of 363.4 grams per tonne”

*drill hole #6414 – 9.0 meters true length @ 7.8 g/t gold

*drill hole #9391 – 7.5 meters true length @ 20.2 g/t gold

*drill hole #12257 – 6.3 meters true length @ 9.5 g/t gold

*drill hole #15021 – 14.1 meters true length @ 7.0 g/t gold

*drill hole #15581 – 18.2 meters true length @ 6.9 g/t gold

*drill hole #16539 – 10.6 meters true length @ 9.2 g/t gold

*drill hole #16542 – 21.6 meters true length @ 4.2 g/t gold

3) February 24’09 NR - “These newly defined dyke and shear structures indicate the presence of large virgin ore zones, which may be bulk mined within 2,000 feet of surface.” – located at 1000 to 2000 ft below the surface

The NR included 428,357 new M&I ounces and 285,452 new Inferred ounces. It is not likely that all of the new resources on this particular NR have bulk mining potential, but some of the ounces should have strong potential. Here are some drill results from this NR that certainly looks to have bulk mining potential:

*drill hole #16178 – 21.9 meters true length @ 8.3 g/t gold

*drill hole #16179 – 14.1 meters true length @ 10.5 g/t gold

*drill hole #14580 – 27.6 meters true length @ 9.0 g/t gold

*drill hole #16028 – 12.3 meters true length @ 3.8 g/t gold

*drill hole #14027 – 9.1 meters true length @ 5.5 g/t gold

4) Teck Cominco (“Teck”) had significant success in generating significant ounces from the Lamaque plugs in the past, via bulk mining methods. Those plugs still have ounces with bulk mineable potential at depth. Century has estimated that there are still approximately 2 million bulk mineable ounces still remaining in those Lamaque plugs (per the March 2009 Corporate Presentation):

*West Plug – bulk mineable ounces located 2800 to 5500 ft below surface

*Lamaque Main Plug – bulk mineable ounces located 4000 to 6000 ft below surface

In addition, the Bedard Dyke (separate from all of the areas listed above) appears to have at least 3 large high grade zones. The Bedard Dyke appears to start at the surface and go down to about 1000 ft. Some holes were drilled in 2005 with excellent results. Some near surface areas (attaching to the pit) were actually mined, which provided the company with additional important data. The company will be performing intense drilling on the Bedard Dyke in 2009.

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