Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Special Meeting of Shareholders - Nov. 23'09

Same place in Vancouver (on SEDAR). IMO, the key to everything is the C$5.25M bridge equity financing closing in 4 days from now (or around the targeted Oct. 23rd date).


Anonymous said...

See more job openings at cmm Web Site.

production05 said...

Yeah, it's in "Century Job Postings" on the right, on this page.

New IR position is included in the postings. The only logical reason for the change that immediately comes to mind (although there could be other reasons also) is that Century might be attempting to beef up in the IR area. Regardless, once Century has the cash and new significant/majority owners (new figureheads) in place, they will need someone with industry connections to go out and successfully sell the story, especially to the institutions. It doesn't matter if it's the Chairman, CEO, IR or all 3, the company needs to finally begin delivering for extremely long suffering shareholders, both operationally and per share market valuation.

Quite frankly, with the gold price moving from US$400 to US$1,060 and Century's share price moving from a high of $1.89 to $.16 (now), there is plenty of blame to go around. With new significant owners soon to be in place, hopefully be begin seeing a New Century that delivers for shareholders on a per share market price basis. At this stage, no more moral victories, everyone will be judged strictly on share price performance.

production05 said...

I just re-read my post. I wrote "new IR position", but that's not what I meant. I think it's the same position, but I think they are trying to accomplish what I mentioned in the previous post.

rock3030 said...

More Jobs....

