I wish to extend my appreciation and sincere thanks to Production05 for essentially providing all of the content for this blog for many months now. I haven't had the time to add very much and frankly until we see some real proof that this management can execute and for once do what they say they will do, no one is going to take the company very seriously. The latest news release announcing the receipt of just $1.3 million after telling us to expect $5.5 million not later than October 23 is just another example.
I'm looking forward to the "Change of Control" more than getting the $21 million. If that happens, we will finally enter a new era where the value of our assets is not severely discounted because of who the management is. In that regard, I've added a new poll asking the simple question "Do you believe the $21 million PP will close".
I've also added a new link to the Circular that describes the conditions of the PP that the investors are being asked to approve. That one is a no-brainer. Every shareholder should read it and vote, although I believe a non-vote is the same as a Yes vote.
I remember Peter posting last week that his Canaccord broker couldn't get him a piece of the PP. I don't know why not unless it is because the two biggest sellers last week were the dynamic duo of Canaccord and "Anonymous". If I were as short as they were I wouldn't want anyone contributing to a CMM PP.
Finally, if we can close the PP, then I see this blog becoming more relevant and active again. In that regard I'd like to see some posters that can only "comment" send me an email requesting membership so that they can freely post. This would apply to yikes1, juha, rock3030, rick and rhump to name a few. Unfortunately "comments" have to be moderated to keep out the wilful bashing and there can be a considerable lag from the time you post until I see and authorize the comment. There is no moderation of members' posts.
50/50% chance for me, and i don't really think it "might" be the best way. For some sure, they want it to fail and buy cheaper shares, the company stands solid nowadays anyway and someone will buy it from us. So, for me i hope it closes, but i am still more interested in Peggys aggressive approach more than anything else. ..the way she could please me, if she( along with an expert ), gave out a reasonable frame towards 150k Ounces p/y. I think we may produce at 3,4k tonne rate as it is today, and 5 g/t will be upwards 200k p/y. If we after this have a high gold price, save these money for the upgrade needed and do 5 000 t per day and we have 250-300k per year. And with 400M shares out, let's say in 5 years if gold peaks about 1500, we might be a $5 company or more.
One things is for certain, it doesn´t sound like CMM is very pleased with SJ and i don't know why, it could be because we don't have much good ore left down there? So please Peggy, drill and prove up at Lamaque and SJ, sell or do a good deal merger. Don't take any chances, it's finished with that i hope. / Juha
last post for today. Excuse my irritability, it's really good for you that bought cheap because Peggy´s new tactics lay out a solid base for the company, sure. For myself i hope for .30-40c around new year, it will be though but it could go through, let's see.
Thanks Caribe, sure i will use an account hereafter. / Juha
I have to say I was a little stumped this morning when I read the closing of such a samll portion of the Flow Through shares. I called my broker at Canaccord, and asked why I was refused?? he didn't have a good excuse. The only thing I can think of, is that the buyed of the rest, wants to colse the big deal first, so maybe it's the same person, as I did see some reference to the Big Buyer purchasing some more shares. All very strange, but I am glad to see an increase in the Gold delivery contract from 25 Million to 33 Million. Just have to wait an see, but I am quite optimistic we will see an increase once this deal gets closed, and the Lemaque property is back up and running. Pete
Hi Peter
Maybe Peggy wants some sort of control of who´s buying, that way she ensures herself of "no dumping" among other things. It's a bad gesture still, they could have atleast 10-20% open for persons like you and me. Just my theory, it could be wrong as always. /Juha
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