Saturday, December 26, 2009

Public (free) float analysis - 53.4% is the known public float, but perhaps 41.5% is the more realistic public float

(numbers and percentages are based on after full closing occurs during this upcoming week)

Controlled by Finskiy and friends = 121,122,759 shares (35.9% - % diff versus Finskiy's 36.6% stated in his NR is related to IQ and Teck shares to be added to base)

Controlled by Scola (potentially) = 6,250,000 (1.9%)

Controlled by Peggy and Ross = 22,801,628 (6.8%)

Controlled by the Hampton Securities analyst (though doesn't fit the 5% cutoff definition) = 650,000 (.2%)

Controlled by IQ (though doesn't fit the 5% cutoff definition) = 5,000,000 (1.5%)

Controlled by Teck Resources (though doesn't fit the 5% cutoff definition) = 1,500,000 (.4%)

Issued and outstanding shares likely NOT available to the public = 157,324,387 (46.6%)

(121,122,759 + 6,250,000 + 22,801,628 + 650,000 + 5,000,000 + 1,500,000)

Known public (free) float = 180,175,613 (53.4%)

(337,500,000 total issued and outstanding Century shares after this upcoming week - 157,324,387 known shares unavailable to the public)

Further breakdown of the public float:

Estimated large holdings by retailers and a fund = AT LEAST 40,000,000 or 12% (almost half of this total is thought to be held by the fund)

A more realistic public float for Century Mining = 140,175,613 (41.5%)

(180,175,613 - 40,000,000)

Summary / Conclusion:

Although Century's official issued and outstanding shares will be approximately 337,500,000 after this coming week, shares available for public trading will have to come from a pool of ONLY about 140,175,613 shares (or perhaps much less).

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