Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today's Trade Summary

Yikes1, you were right about TD being the big seller today.  I can't remember though when Anonymous didn't sell any shares.  Maybe 30 cents is as low as he is willing to go, but otherwise it would be nice if he was done!


yikes1 said...

Thanks Carib. Did anyone else catch someone playing with the bids this morning? It jumped to 999 board lots, down to 800 and than 52 and back up and down again. Got my hopes up for a big day, but it was too good to be true!

Anonymous said...

001 or Anon is normally the market maker of a stock. He will buy and sell only when the stock requires support and when the stocks need to be more liquid. Frequent sales and narrow spreads.

yikes1 said...

999 bid/ask again...question is, will it dissapear before the bell again?