Saturday, June 5, 2010

Century valuation from stockhouse


Anonymous said...

thanks for all the work you put in on the blog, I've found it really informative. It's a good starting point for learning about mining.
The recent market spasm looks like a good entry point, but I wouldn't mind it going a little cheaper.
I've been shaken out of other companies on brutal weeks like these, but no longer. Learnt my lesson. panicking doesn't make you rich, it makes you a wuss.

bigjohn37 said...

Hey Roxy14,
Thanks for the posting. We need a positive reminder at times of apparent gloom. It's easy to loose sight of the big picture and the long term when the share price is falling day after day for no apparent reason. I tend to agree with Denis Boyko's valuation (based on facts about CMM as are known today). I am pretty sure $4.00 will be reached during the next 12-24 months. But we need to be patient.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. This recent price action has to be nothing more than an effort to instill fear by those who are playing both sides of the board. I know that CMM is worth a lot more and I would rather borrow money at exorbitant interest rather than sell a single share to the perpetrators of such scurrilous and scam-like behavior. Hang in there and don't let them make you abandon your position in a solid gold company that has a few warts.

chillby said...

Gold stocks are doing what they always do this time of year, and the media-driven mullet are panicking off in whatever direction their noses are pointed. CMM isn't doing any more than the rest of the community - except maybe making up for missing a week of all this fun.
In the buy-and-hold parlance, this is what makes a buying opportunity. This is why I keep a spare pair of brass bolt-snuggers handy...

chillby said...

I'm looking at the MACD and OBV charts for the past year for CMM, and I notice something rather interesting. What I love about math is that it always, always makes sense. Even better when it shows me how stupid I am (it doesn't make sense). Here's how I interpret what I'm looking at - and I invite any and all commentary /other interpretations about it:
CMM has lost nearly half its share value since it peaked on 27 April. OBV, on the other hand, shows a decline of less than 500,000 shares during the same period. Generally, when a stock tanks, a more or less commensurate amount/percentage of shares find their way back into the market makers' or principals' treasuries. There is a noticeable decline in OBV that goes along with this. This has not happened here, and I am sure it isn't because I bought all the shares sold during the recent past (dammit).
So here's my take - and I'm asking for it, so have a go...the shrinkage we have suffered the last month is totally fabricated, a product of manipulation of the share the market makers themselves (Deutschebank?). Adding value to their business , by scaring everyone with outsized price movements on piddly-bit news, downswings on good news, etc. One thing seems clear-somebody out there is gobbling up shares as they fall in price for this company. Guess I'm long...because only an idiot buys on the downswing...unless, of course, they know just what they are up to. Enjoy the math!