Thursday, September 9, 2010

Recent Trading......

Seems as though Fidelity has been making some larger buys in recent days. Today they must have purchased well over 100k shares from what I seen on my software via blackberry. With that being said volume is quite high which is always a good thing.....Bring in new money into the game.


real_economics said...

It's ME. I'm the fidelity buyer. I'm accumulating shares. Cheers!

real_economics said...

My order today : )

At .40 - .42 I'll continue to buy buy buy . .. .

09/09/2010 02:44:56 PM $0.3925 2,000.000 $785.00
09/09/2010 02:44:56 PM $0.402 47,000.000 $18,894.00
09/09/2010 02:44:56 PM $0.402 5,000.000 $2,010.00
09/09/2010 02:44:56 PM $0.402 30,000.000 $12,060.00
09/09/2010 02:44:56 PM $0.402 3,000.000 $1,206.00
09/09/2010 02:44:56 PM $0.402 12,000.000 $4,824.00
09/09/2010 02:44:56 PM $0.402 1,000.000 $402.00
NET TOTAL 100,000.000 $40,181.00

James Mitherton said...

Can you buy another couple million shares? The languishing SP is quite frusterating.

Mrstormpay said...

Ok good, I purchased loans a few months back as Questrade broker 124......I am sure you all remember haha. But there was another guy from the firm buying a lot as well.

real_economics said...

I can tell you this. These shares that i'm accumulating are going from scared hands to very tight hands. I'm not planning to sell until we reach a full valuation which is light years from now.

Don't worry, we're going much much higher. I've been through this revaluation phase many many times.

chillby said...

Very interesting volumes on the OTC boards today. 494,000 shares traded, which is substantially above normal on this side OTB. Seems to me we are beginning to see a bit of discovery down "south." We've had excellent volume for the last week or so.

Mrstormpay said...

I agree Chillby.......

real_economics said...

Yes, down here in the US, unless you have a global account, which some of my clients do not have, you have to buy CMNZF on the pink sheets. Terrible spreads - all the more reason to simply buy and hold. I hope CMM will eventually either list on the AMEX or NYSE also. When gold mania hits, it would be a huge advantage.

Wingfong said...


1)In Singapore I pay high commission to buy my Canadian CMM shares too. Hence the only practical thing for me to do is buy and hold till kingdom come. Had activated my buy orders to add a bit more to my core holding too.
2)If U may, would like to read some of your revaluation experiences. Believe there is something for me to learn from what U had seen and gone tro.

real_economics said...

Wingfong - It would take pages to write my experiences out but some recent ones were jinshan and CDE and I also played NSU NGD as well off their 08 lows.

Have you already read this Frank Holmes article? This is an excellent piece on the revaluation process. I've noticed in the last year the final parabolic slope up has come later and later (more skepticism even after production starts) but is more and more parabolic when management is successful and targets are met. Let's hope we fall in that category!

real_economics said...

Sorry THIS link should work now.

real_economics said...

Let me try one more time on the link

Carib said...

real_economics, wouldn't you know it, but US Global Investors are one of the very few institutions that hold Century shares - about 3.3 million as of June 30, 2010.

Wingfong said...

Comments noted with tks

Wingfong said...


It would be helpful if U can name the title of the Frank Holmes's article

real_economics said...

WF - Sorry my link didn't work

It's called.

"The "Five M's" for Picking Gold Stocks"

If you google this phrase it should come up

and i'll try the link one more time - maybe this will work


real_economics said...

Nope link still didn't work. Sorry you can cut and paste this into your browser and it should work

real_economics said...

ok that also didn't work. . . I don't understand this posting system. It cuts off your links and doesn't activate them either!

Real_Economics said...

Carib - yes very interesting indeed. I would not be surprised if Frank adds to the position significantly.

I'm betting his current position is a "probe" position. It's on his radar and when he gets a green light, he'll add to create a real position.

3 million shares to him and his clients is NOTHING. For him, It is like adding a pack of gum to your purchase after you have been gone on a shopping run at Sax Fifth Avenue. haha

real_economics said...

I would not be surprised to see Rick Rule's firm get involved as well. Global Resource Investments. Down the road the goal would be to court bigger players like Van Eck and Sprott.

Anonymous said...

I own and very tightly hold 200K shares of CMM stock bought through Fidelity. Here is what I learned the hard way.
• Never call Fidelity to place the order…..way expensive.
• Place the order using Fidelity’s Secure Internet Account Access.
• Play with the number of shares contained within your order to receive best value / lowest commission per share. The latest time I bought I found a good cross-over point at 7500 shares. However, this threshold is a moving target and you have to play with the # of shares in your order. The real good news is that Fidelity gives you a reasonably accurate Commission Cost Estimate before you commit to the trade. Thus, you can do a lot of ‘order play’ prior to a commitment.
• Unlike AMEX and NY trades with Fidelity, the speed seems a bit slow and as I remember the TX.V feed price feed is delayed and given in C$’s.
• While Buying, I would also have a second delay price feed running while trading. Even the CMM Web Site will work just remember to hit the refresh. Also, remember to try to figure out which feed is in US$’s and which is in C$’s.
• I place the order electronically in at a not to exceed $ value / share (Limit Order). Once the order is launched, I’ll check back for a fill confirmation. If there is no interest I’ll do an incremental change after a few minutes based on my gut perceived price. Remember: A penny stock novice thinks in terms of seconds while a Pro thinks minutes unless it is a HOT day. Watch the Day Chart and never trade the first half hour.
• An even more advanced technique to handle large share trading with Fidelity, assuming you can think like a True Vulture, and you are willing to exploit someone else’s shaky hands is as follows:
o Once you found the previously mentioned crossover point number of shares determine how many orders you will need to place (Total Order # of Shares / Cross-Over Point # of Shares).
o After your first fill, place the remaining orders. Equally distributed these orders over 4 ticks below your previous fill point. Start at the lowest tick.
o If there is no action as dictated by your patience level, change your lowest tick order to the value one tick above your highest pending order value.
I hope that helps and save someone some money. If you have questions or need clarification call me at 562 824 6106. Evenings are best.