Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last Day For Anonymous Posts

Effective December 1, 2010, you must be a Blog Member to post or to comment on a post on this blog.  To request membership, send me an email at centurycarib@gmail.com.

Since November 9 when the PP's were announced, Scotia was the biggest seller with more than 3 million shares sold.  Today they sold 1,000 shares.  TD sold more than 500k shares today.

In that same period, a couple of new players began to buy Century shares.  Buying through Instinet consisted of over 600,000 shares and Byron bought 269,500 shares.  The buying by Byron was encouraging because Byron Capital was named as one of the leading agents for the $5 million PP, yet a Byron client was buying on the open market.

There was a bit of selling by Wolverton (208k) which I suspect was Peggy and Ross Burns as they also purchased small amounts of Tamerlane stock.  I suspect PK also exercised some warrants at the same time as Sheridan, but sold stock to pay for them.

I've also added a new poll to gauge how confident blog visitors are that Century will finally start meeting production forecasts.

Edit:  I forgot to specify "at Lamaque" for the poll, so if you voted before, you lost that vote and can vote again.

1 comment:

rhump said...

Hi Carib,
I just wanted to say "THANKS" for keeping this board clean. Pro or Con, don't care just keep the posts respectable and with some thought and dignity for others. With that said, I am back with a position, not as big as it used to be, but happy with what I have.

RE: your poll. Hulley has basically laid his reputation on the line with what he said in the Q3 CC. Therefore, I am feeling a "little" more confident that CMM MAY have in fact turned the corner.

When CMM announces the 39 cent PP as CLOSED the ASKs will magically disappear.