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Thanks for all the kind words about the site!
Appreciate the many efforts to date from a great community of people.
I want to strongly recommend you all take a look at an article written by John Helmer in Moscow.
Called Dancing with Bears.- Now you see my gold assets now you don't.
-does it sound familar?
Charges being levied against Mikhail Prokorov and Polus
This is the same bloody M.O. that Max is employing on us...but this ain't Russia
Paydirt 13
John Helmer keeps a running tab on Ruskie business, so there are several article you will find.
For a start, I think the article refered to above is this one.
I contacted Trish Saywell, BA, MA, MSc (Jour)
Senior Staff Writer
Tel: 416-442-5600 ext. 3630
Email: tsaywell@northernminer.com
The Northern Miner Newspaper. I also directed her to this site. Hopefully I convinced her to write a piece on this situation and the reasoning behind why CMM shareholders are pissed off.
Good luck to all,
The Northern Miner Newspaper
If we can get more people to call/e-mail them, it would help.
I also contact Robert Seagraves of Canadian Mining Journal. We need more people calling these people.
Robert Seagraves
Tel. 416-510-6891
From John Helmers website, under Recommendations, you will find his list of Best ... whatevers.
For his "Best Moscow stock market tip – don’t"
Don't. pretty clear.
Read his bio fist if he is unknown to you, he seems credible at least in the fact he has lived there for years.
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