Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Concerned Shareholder Update

We wish to thank our many fellow shareholders that have contacted us with words of encouragement and suggestions regarding our press release in connection with the proposed Plan of Arrangement between Century Mining and White Tiger Gold.

We have been unexpectedly inundated by your emails and messages since our press release dated April 18, 2011. Please forgive us if we are temporarily unable to keep up with replies to your kind messages. We also wish to acknowledge that we have had emails from shareholders that were completely unaware of how other shareholders felt about the Plan of Arrangement prior to the press release.

Many shareholders have inquired as to what we expect to accomplish as a result of our press release. Our intention with the press release was to let you, our fellow shareholders, know what our views are with respect to whether we can support the proposed Plan of Arrangement and that we feel that at this time we cannot support it, for the reasons we set out in in the press release.

For those of you that have asked, we are not currently intending to solicit proxies;we expect that raising the level of discourse with respect to the Plan of Arrangement will lead to better information being available so that all shareholders can make their own fully informed decisions as to whether they will support the Plan of Arrangement.

Our legal counsel has advised that the Plan of Arrangement must obtain the approval of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice before it can proceed. For our part, we are evaluating all options which may include making an application to address the Court during the proceedings by Century to obtain the Interim Order or, in the event the Plan of Arrangement is approved by the shareholders, at the Final Order stage of the Plan of Arrangement.

We greatly appreciate your kind words and support.

The Concerned Shareholder Committee


Wingfong said...

"Our legal counsel has advised that the Plan of Arrangement must obtain the approval of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice before it can proceed. For our part, we are evaluating all options which may include making an application to address the Court during the proceedings by Century to obtain the Interim Order or, in the event the Plan of Arrangement is approved by the shareholders, at the Final Order stage of the Plan of Arrangement"
I am deeply impressed our potential moves are professionally n thoroughly planned for all contingencies. Quite surprise there are shareholders out there who are not aware what retail shareholders of 81+ millions shares are doing all this while! Glad this NR has managed to get the message tro to them n hopefully to all of them . Must say this is yet another possibly pleasant unintended effect of the NR.

ATInsider said...

Great work Committee. CMM's share price seems to be on the plus side.

rick said...


hear this some good news for a better futur of lamaque

integra gold corp want to take lead

relic said...

Rick it is good to hear from you. This site has moved to www.stockigloo.com. Come visit everyone there and share your thoughts