Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Do Not Solicit No Votes

We must be very careful not to actively solicit No Votes for Registration in the Anti-Merger Registration.  We can post all we want on all of the reasons why we think the merger is a bad idea, and why we have personally voted our shares as being against the merger, but we must let others decide whether they wish to add their shares to the Anti-Merger Table.

Soliciting of votes, when a takeover/merger has been announced, may be in violation of securities law and we certainly don't want any of the contributors to the blog to be facing legal action.


ATInsider said...

Carib, I edited my post, thank you...

bigjohn37 said...

Thanks for your vigilance, Carib.
The TRUTH will work its magic for us.

Wingfong said...

Upon reading our NR I believe more n more WTG investors will come to realise in details how the deal was structured n how CMM was pursued using deceitful, unsavoury , underhanded n possibly illegal means/methods. It looks to me owner(s) of 35k WTG shares (Sp gapped down now at $2.50) had suffered cold feet n more will suffer the same malice soon. As a huge chunk of 25 million shares will be unlocked for trading in the coming days, wonder how low the SP will go. One unintended consequence of our NR plus what John Helmer has published is that it has now effectively put a spot light of the wrong kind on Fin n his stooges . The combined effect of these publications has forcefully remove the smoke screens exposing all his/their low grade tactics n what Fin really is for all to inspect n this, i am certain, is not what he has bargained for. i am watching to see what damage controls he may put forth in the coming days.

ATInsider said...

Regardless what damage controls he puts in place if any, he will find it very difficult to be trusted especially in the Canadian markets. That should be good news for everybody, nobody want's deceitful people investing with them...