Thursday, April 7, 2011

WTG news


Sent Yuri said...

Firstly, I hope you are getting those personal issues resolved and that all is well with you and your family.
Some so-called pumpers have sugggested on this and the other board that WTG is actually more valuable than it apears, and CMM is not as valuable because of the difficulties meeting production targets and extracting higher grades. Yesterday's news release by CMM and today's by WTG seem to back that up.
Can we have your thoughts, please?

NSX001 said...

I wouldn't believe a single word that was spewed by out by these d*cks, they could declare that they have just found "THE MOTHERLOAD" and I would still say neyt.

Isn't it coincidental that CMM has been putting out nothing but negative news releases thus driving the stock price down and WTG just so happens to put out a positive news release the next day and the stock price goes up.

What a disgusting sham.

ATInsider said...

I have to agree with NSX001, despite the negative NR's for CMM for the past month(s), it all has to do with the way they worded the NR's. They were not all that negative, just written as negative by not presenting all the facts of the matter... What do we call this? Word manipulation, do we see a pattern here such as price manipulation also...

PayDay said...

You know what's freakin hilarious is how the N43-101 for Salvinko is still 113,000 opy.

How nice that White Tiger wants to "expand gold production at Savkino and to develop a second gold-copper mine at the Company´s Nasedkino property"....


Lamaque has so far cost $80M and counting... where's WTG going to get the funds to bring these mines up to speed if they only have $16M cash that is supposed to be earmarked for Lamaque?

yeah, that's SIPHONING profits from CMM and funnelling it into Siberia instead of shareholder pockets.

Paydirt13 said...

You gotta think at some point these guys are getting the hint that nobody is buying this bull$**t.
I mean really, do they think anybody in changing their minds on the merger?
I have no doubt there are WTG shills in our midst, so my message to them is to go back to Finskiy and tell him that these lame attempts to manipulate are not close to believable and that the "Plan" isn't going to happen.
Sure hope one day I can sit front row and let Major and co. explain themselves in court.


Ron S. said...

"I wouldn't believe a single word that was spewed by out by these d*cks,"

Totally me as well.

Credible information from an isolated (russian) system that sounds more like a riverboat saloon every day? Not interested.

John Helmer, on his website under "Recommendations" says,

"Best Moscow stock market tip – don’t "

see it here.

Wingfong said...

It is plain as day Fin is eyeing CMM's gold, grap it(if he succeed) for himself, use the fund generated from CMM for his siberian ventures n have fun. It is so obvious CMM is doable, so derisked n the millions of Au oz so entising that Fin & Co is prepared to bag it tro all the NR n price manipulations. I really hope a Rob McEwen or an Anico Eagle comes along in the next few days n if they do, they will have my votes n I am certain many shareholders will do the same.

Rickydee said...

Even more reason for us to put a united press release stating our distate for this blatant and overly obvious manipulation. This is where we are getting nailed, they can use the press to get their directives across meanwhile all we have is blogs and forums, press is more effective. I really think we need some sort of press release to get all the information out to those who are not on stockigloo, agoracom or stockhouse

ATInsider said...

They obviously convinced many shareholders in support for the merger, on Stockhouse. Not sure if it’s just one or two people posting with different names, but they are spreading misinformation causing further confusion telling people a yes vote will secure their future.
If one doe’s proper research & DD on this merger, it’s quite overwhelmingly evident there’s a hidden addenda at play here, from the beginning we’ve been lied to. Why so much manipulation? They are obviously hiding something, something they don’t want us to know about.
This sucks because there are still many more shareholders that may get suckered into thinking this merger is the way to go. That is far from the truth and we need to somehow connect to those people and explain why a NO vote is the only way to secure their shares and money invested....

blizzy said...

I read it.
I read it again.
Then I put a Canadian type cut off at half gram per tonne.

Gold1 said...

Wild swing of .10 in sh/p yesterday/today due to normal arbitrage (letterwriters) or are there rumors out there of a counter (whiteknight) offer?

Cocoablini said...

The whole stock market has been manipulated using faux data and cherry licked stats. fininskiy is just learning from the Best. Pump dump, slam and grab whatever. Nothing embarasses these kleptomaniac sociopaths. I mean depressing the stock of acquired company and pumping the stock of the acquirer? Really? Its just ALL coincidence? Really?
Meanwhile some chickens have flown the coop and dumped their shares.
And despite CMM retarded board and mismanagement its got 2 twin monster mines thst make White Tiger looking like a feral tomcat.
So he buys all this gold in the ground for a song- a gold bank with gold at 1460 US.
If the TSX cannot see this fraud then I'm pulling out of the casino and never looking back.

Unknown said...


I hear you--it's pretty depressing.
I knew that the stock market was a means of some people stealing from others without having to put their hands on the others pockets but I never thought it would be this obvious...and no one cares! THEY ARE ALL DOING IT!