Thursday, July 22, 2010

Some potential development items for the next 3 months (or so)

Of course, everything is secondary to ramping up production at Lamaque.

Nevertheless, here are some other (random) areas we might see progress in (over the next 3 months or so):

(not in any particular order)

1) updated San Juan 43-101 report

2) reach the North Wall zone through drifting

3) access the next C$9.0 million from the performance / escrow account

4) exploration roundup report from Mr. Daniels (our new chief geologist)

5) exploration results from the flats and other target areas surrounding the Bedard Dyke

6) launch of the new San Juan exploration program (perhaps Oct-Nov timeframe if we are fortunate)

7) receive our permit to move forward with low cost / high tonnage long-hole stope mining of the Bedard Dyke and the North Wall Zone

8) updated 43-101 report for Lamaque, including the latest Vulcan Resource Modeling contributions (though, this might be outside of the 3 month timeframe)

9) either slightly more analyst coverage or/and finally a bit of institutional buying (if we are fortunate of course)

10) close off of the $9M capital lease (equipment) funding agreement

11) arrival of the extra low-profile equipment

These are just random items that came immediately to mind as I was typing. There may be others. Feel free to add to the list via the comment section or another post (if you think of others).


Pepito said...

Quite a lot happening, I suppose the drill permit is the most important to keep the ore flowing.
Sometimes I feel nobody will ever notice though and I'll die here watching the share price bounce around 1 or 2 cents.
God bless the dog days of summer. I noticed Metanor did another financing today. Do you think merging with them and getting rid of their management would make any sense, or would it be too ambitious?

chillby said...

It seems to have disappeared form the web...but some blogger, about the time we hit .$0.80, wrote some disparaging BS about the company, and off we went into what we have been dealing with since. I spend some time each day gauging market sentiment, mostly by watching various stocks' reactions to news items which affect them. For all the knocks we've taken since April, I still feel that we are not alone, and that much of the dismal share-price behavior has absolutely nothing to do with CMM.
We have too many shares out to fall victim to the pump/dump crowd, so I think we're just being ignored. Many miners have come out with pretty stellar NR's this summer, only to see their shares move up 10 cents and then fall back. Some of the smaller companies have been played like fiddles (Nautilus, last week, for instance, and maybe the REE crowd this week.) On no news, no filings, no NOTHING, NMM went from 1.34 to 2.68 before falling back. Back to 1.75 now, where it more or less belongs.
So my take is that, in a shallow-volume market, we're being stepped on by folks calling in their debts every time we get to .49/.50. Lets face it, a lot of companies are strapped for cash, and can't really wait. They cash in their warrants or options that they got for.30 and get a few bucks to weather on. What does this do for us?
Our average closing price finally began creeping up on 13 July. Those options and warrants are beginning to exhaust. The warrants probably mean we have a greater number of shareholders, as not all of them have necessarily sold off completely. The continually low s/p means we have begun attracting buyers who are smart enough to recognize the value - I look for new companies all the time, but I still can't really find any better junior to invest than CMM. Scares the hell out of me, but the numbers are quite real. So is our gold. I'll leave this post with a web address. The translation is terrible, and I don't read Chinese yet. But if you can stop laughing (reaalllly bad translation) long enough to wade through it, I'd say you'll agree that we have some Asian support building. Just in case, Wing Fong, thanks! Here's the web address:

chillby said...

I really like the word coined by the writer for this time of year: we're in the "goldrums." And I really want a Cuba Libre to have with my next "sticky document umbrella." Talk about taking the pain away...

chillby said...

The "detective" referred to in the article, one Tom Thomsen: I wonder if he is the director at Upper Canyon Minerals? He apparently runs a financial advisory service for mining companies. Hmmmm...

production05 said...

Hi Chillby,

Thanks for the info. I only took a 2 second glance at it, but I think it might be an old document. It seems like it`s 5 years old. The business has drastically changed since then (as we moved from open pit mining to the historically successful underground). Also, that Tom Thomsen guy was Century`s IR back them, this was before both Brent and Peter.

I`m sure our Asian following is growing though. It may pick up once we become more established. Century attended the HK conference this year. If they go back next year, they will have a far more advanced company to sell.

By the way, I don`t think many people know that we are set up to trade on a couple of German exchanges (although, I don`t think we trade much at all). Perhaps Century can do some promotional programs in German to take advantage of those exchanges, once we are more advanced of course. I`ll see if I can dig out the info from the German exchanges.

I think Century also trades OTC, I suppose mainly for American investors.

Wingfong said...

Hi Chillby
If u can get hold of the chinese script, I may be able to do up a translation and I gaurantee it will be more readable. Oh dear, the trans is really bad!

Wingfong said...

Hi Prod05
Pleased to note your grasp and summary of on-going events. Very essential for me as a mean to follow up with the co's progress.
These will certainly be important markers/events resulting from recent (near past if I may) management decisions. I am convinced there is method in the madness.
Taking a helicoptic view of the flow of events and gold mined (stored in the vault or sold by now?), it does not look like CMM is still a co struggling at the brim any more. I am more inclined to believe that the proverbal corner is turned and things are going to get better and better. Cheers!

chillby said...

We trade OTC, perhaps AIM (I often see trades from 6:30 am EST), BB and, of course, the Canadian exchanges.
The pundits are calling a bottom for "goldrums" about mid-August, which means we ought to be looking for it any time now - I think we're moving past it since the 13th.
WingFong, I think P05 has the skinny on that article, but the only "copy" I can find is the one referenced in my post.
One thing for sure, though - looking at the mine from "space," there's a large pile of raw ore under the conveyor, and much digging has been going on these last two weeks.