Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why we own Century

It is worth remembering why we own this company. Fundamentals: A world-class deposit of gold in a global shrinking production scenario that is producing now; competent teams at the helm and in both mines; sound financial backing, perfectly regardless of whatever we may think about whom; excellent potential for upgrading of resources; a vastly undervalued company that is visibly improving its profile; and finally, a strong probability of a continued bull market for bullion, for a miner with decent production costs.
Let us also not forget the rarely-heard of directors of our company - Mssr's Campoy and Lamaque, who are, IMO, very strong assets for the company. Not to mention our very excellent IR department.


Wingfong said...

It will be excellent if it is possible for you to give a running account (detail if possible) of CMM's management team especialy
their individual strength and why u thk the paticular individual is important to the co. Thanking u in advance

chillby said...

I'll work on it.

Wingfong said...

Awaiting your discourse with anticipation. Tks again

chillby said...

First, the brief sketches: And only one tonight- I have a house full of guests (one of the weekend glories of living at the beach...)
Mr. William Lamarque: (reprinted from Balor Capital Management's website)

"Mr. Lamarque is a co-founder of Balor Capital Management, LLC. Mr. Lamarque’s career has been in trading and banking. After being the General Manager of the China Division of Jardine Matheson & Company Ltd in Hong Kong, he became an Executive Member of the Board of Directors of N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd, in London, the principal banking entity of the international Rothschild financial services group. He subsequently became Managing Director of Rothschild Inc, in New York. Mr. Lamarque has specialist experience in the risk management of commodity positions and in commodity research and has advised an extensive client list of commodity producers on their major financial transactions and exposures, including their hedge books. He typically spends several weeks a year in the Far East, notably China. He has been a member of the Comex and Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the London Bullion Market Association. Mr. Lamarque is on the board of three privately held and one publicly traded mining company, and President of Hanson Capital Asia Ltd." Couldn't have said it more concisely myself.
Hedging, commodity risk management, Rothschild (not your average bunch of dummies), LBMA and COMEX. Here's a man who knows precisely how the game is played, and who the players are. What's more, he is absolutely spotless - not even any badmouthing on the blab blurbs. (I just don't have patience for folks who expand negative news for the sake of their own exposure, while ignoring Edward R. Murrow) For all I can tell,he doesn't even have a speeding ticket...
A Cambridge man (so was my dad, so now I'm biased.) Has been seen at the same party as Calvin Klein.
To put a REEcap on the dead gorse, we're very fortunate to have someone with that depth of understanding of both banking (from the inside) and risk management. He has facility with both Asian and European markets - maybe even some familiarity with the Americas.... outside of just Val D'Or, of course!

Anonymous said...
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Wingfong said...

Does this Mr Lamarque or his fore bears have any lineage with Lamarque the mine n/or Lamarque the town? just curious
By the way his credentials are impressive.