Saturday, February 19, 2011

Scola - additional transaction

This time a reduction of 1,250,000 common shares - transaction date is Feb. 18`11, and SEDI filled date is Feb. 18`11. Transaction code used is ``Other``, once again. He now only has 992,857 remaining common shares listed on SEDI.


Gilmourr said...

You just know something big is going to go down in March-April.

Glorieux said...

If not before!

Wingfong said...

I am amazed and concern with all these insiders' share holding reductions.IS IT DRTRIMENTAL TO RETAIL SHARE HOLDERS? ANY ONE?

Wingfong said...

Or is it possible that a certain institutional interest is coming in n the condition they want to see is Finsky & Scola reduce their conbined holding to a certain level before they take up their position?