Thursday, March 31, 2011

After the meeting

Well, I have been doing my reading, study, planning, thinking and soul searching too. The legal investigation I have had conducted is proceeding, at this time I can tell you only that in the official documents, no laws have been broken, no fraud no nothing. So, and we are not finished yet, as ugly as it is, its legal. We find ourselves at times pointing out, so and so said blah and blah on a call or interview, some bit that doesn't jive with what is written, true, it doesn't jive, and it is of no moment at all. Note the legal disclaimer, I may say something here that is not official company policy --- blah blah blah, backside covered. If it isn't written, it isn't true. I must commend everyone here, both for excellent work and for getting emotions under control. Some of the comments we had to read, earlier on were embarrassing. Obvious what happens if the no vote looses this fight so, no need to comment on that. BUT What if we win? Can we set aside our anger, frustration, and other assorted and distasteful emotions and build a gold company? Or will we all sit at the sides, slapping each others fingers each time any one of us reaches to play with the toy in the middle. When it is over we will all be in this together, YOU, ME, MAX FINSKIY, all of us. We will collectively own a cash strapped gold mine. We will have to get it working. I am willing to sit in that room, talk that talk and ante up in the PP we will need to move forward. Do not think it is a simple thing to do, it is not, it is going to need work and a relationship with people we don't much love at the moment. Current management, not going anywhere, When this is over. We will need all of the stability we can get. Lots to consider? All of the effort going into this, is just the start, a "WIN" is just a new beginning. That is when the real work starts. Will you be there? I will be. blizzy


GoldBandit said...

How about the BOD not looking after the best interests of ALL shareholders?

Paydirt 13 said...

Thanks for your efforts to date. You may be right, we may need to all play together when this is done, but at the end of the day there are events I am convinced are actionable i.e. Scola's disposition of shares after the crusher failure and before the news release.
I maintain that the series of events was orchastrated to maximize negativity and set up a sense of lowered expectations. I am waiting for the other shoe to fall where $1.00/share steals the company and the hoi polloy feel like they've done well.

-just my take

Paydirt 13

NSX001 said...

Blizzy, I Fully agree with your thoughts going forward, and I am truthfully greatfull that you and the rest of the committee have taken the lead.

If we do succeed in preventing this merger/sham, I would be one of first to participate in a rights offering, if it is proven by the committee and management that cash is really required to bring Lamaque to full production, I believe that the rest of us should be given the chance to help out the company since it is our company.

There have been too many nasty things said here about this deal for it to all of a sudden to wash away and make nice.

What bothers me more than anything here, is that WTG is headquartered in BVI, if any of you have read the info posted here, on Stockhouse and Agoracom, you will know that BVI is a haven for companies that do not want to report to shareholders, be scrutinized by gov. agencies or provide any information on the company at all, it is literally a wild west for asset manipulators, if the deal goes through it will be the end of all information coming out, we will never be able to know what is going on.

For that reason alone, it should be enough to stop this transaction from going though, let alone all of the other info that's been posted here.


chump said...

I don't know what analysis you have undertaken, and don't know enough to make my own conclusions. I have asked the BSSC and OSC to look into this, they have regulatory jurisdiction over Century Mining and White Tiger respectively.
I'm just a small investor (30,000 shares) stupid enough to have listened to my broker - it's my kids education fund that is taking the hit.

Wingfong said...

Yes this WTG being headquartered in BVI is extremely damaging that should send thoughtful shareholders fleeing. Frankly it weighs on me badly.My take is if the Yes vote wins, CMM will be gone forever.Just not sure how does it affect the 200 plus miners

Wingfong said...

Incidentally if we do a 1 for 5 rights issue @$$.50 we will get(407/5)x$0.5=$40.0 million.Believe it should be more than enough

Gold1 said...

Not surprising given that anything written would have been scrutinized by legal .. we probably paid for much of it. Would have been too easy to nail them that quickly. There have to be serious errors in judgement/strategy.

bigjohn37 said...

Thanks for your hard work, Blizzy. You are right, a WIN for us is just a new beginning. But if the NO vote looses, it's also a new beginning. Either way, we'll have work to do.
If the NO wins, we'll have to seek a new Special Meeting, to install a new & fair BoD and CEO for CMM. And you are right, we probably have to raise some operating cash for CMM too.
While no laws may have been broken by members of management & BoD of CMM and WTG (to date), there is irrefutable evidence for non-comliance with Canadian securities regulations (of both companies), conflicts of interest on the part of CMM's BoD, deception and less than full disclosure of material facts by Daniel Major. If and when we choose to persue legal action in the cause of justice & fairness, the above facts may be introduced for our cause.


Blizzy..... I endorce your comments, direction and questioning advice.

For insulting my intelligence, for lying to me, for trying to manipulate my hard earned resources, for destroying my trust in you......

I am not prepared to shake your hand, Daniel Major, Max Finskiy, Board of Directors.

We all have a lot of work to rebuild CMM to where it was and to where it can be.

I will not extend my hand to you in friendship until you get your noses to the grindstone, make the wrongs into rights, make us all in a win-win environment.

You should judge yourselves (Finskiy, Major & BoD)accordingly.

bigjohn37 said...

Chump, good of you to post, and thanks for writing to the OSC & BCSC. You are doing your part in the cause of justice. Don't worry, your kids education fund will not be lost. In the end, justice will prevail.