Monday, March 21, 2011

FYI: Understanding Our Opponent

Doing business in Russia, has been described by people who have been there and done it as ‘playing a multi-dimensional chess game against an opponent who is bent on adiabatic expansion’. If, you don’t initially grasp the concept, you are not alone. I sure didn’t. Nonetheless, despite the vocabulary/concept challenge, there are two significant points here. First, the game in front of you may only a part of the one being played at a given moment in time. We certainly have seen this with lies, half-truths, and not looking after our best interests. Thank goodness, Crib painstakingly sorted out the cryptic chronology, followed up by even more revelations from P05. Second, adiabatic expansion is ‘growing with the least amount of effort’. In our case, this amounted to shell companies of questionable value, being hyped by people with a different agenda in mind. As further evidence for ’least amount of effort’, they even left out an entry level web site…...dah. Sloppy!

The strategy that has worked in the past to defeat this nonsense is two folds. First, collectively we need to realize this is like ‘The Wizard of Oz’ the man behind the curtain needs to be exposed for what he is. Second, to defeat the frontal assault in front of us now, we need to make it very costly for WTG and the greedy people behind WTG. Here are some ideas:
  • Vote a BIG NO on the merger.
  • Get the word out to the Mining Community to NOT do business with these crooks. They need to be globally ostracized. This is a potential cancer growing on the TXV, as well as, small mining in general. The Modus Operandi, MO, only works where they have economic muscle perceived to be superior to the competition i.e. small mining. However, with more victims, like Century, if we rollover, they could threaten the entire mining industry.
  • Bring down the wrath of any relevant Regulatory Agency. If nothing else, it will up the money ante of what they will ultimately have to pay.
  • Any litigation that goes after WTG or even better yet the real people behind the curtain will make it costlier and force them to question the wisdom of this thievery strategy.
  • Even if we loose our NO Merger Campaign, we need to take the fight to the BOD demanding resignations from all.
  • Any light that can shined on these cockroaches and their activities will be helpful. They tend to scurry when the lights go on.
  • Learn from the wolf and attach as a pack. We have a lot of excellent resources here.
  • If WTG wants the metaphor of ‘scorched earth’ let’s make sure the  WTG Merger dies of 'smoke inhalation' first'.


Anonymous said...

Very powerful, wolf!

Cmm appears to be trading like we do not have a new ceo, have accomplished little at Lamaque recently. Definitely going surreal.

bigjohn37 said...

Well said, W_A. I wish you'd used larger font (or I need new glasses!). WTG and the people behind it will certainly be ostracized in the Canadian business community. The regulators should also go after them. If they (the WTG gang) want to do business here, they should play by our rules.