Wednesday, March 30, 2011


was just wondering if anybody else has been trying to be contacted by a company called Kingsdale Shareholder Services


yikes1 said...

Thanks for sharing rattler. I just checked out the website, but care to share any info from the convo with a small shareholder that won't get a call?

ATInsider said...

NO. Though I checked the website and it seems they are a service company. I found this quote is interesting from that website:

Information Agent
Effective shareholder communication is critical to the success of a transaction. In today´s marketplace, many issuers find it challenging to efficiently manage the volume of shareholder inquiries that arise from the announcement of a transaction.

Acting as Information Agent, Kingsdale helps manage your shareholder communication and education program, regardless of the volume or origin of the requests.

bigrattler said...

Hi yikes, I wasn't home so I didn't get a chance to answer and talk with them