Tuesday, March 15, 2011

naked shorts

It might be worth re-listing GTC sales at elevated pricing at this point - clearly some BS borrowing going on out there.


ATInsider said...

We are getting dumped on. We are back down into the mid $0.50's for CMM.

chillby said...

Hold your mud. If you sell, you lose, and are paying Finisky's game. Be there today for the cc.

Anonymous said...

57 cents,,,,think I am going to vomit! Looking forward to conference call today only for the reason that this will b the first time that wtg's fearless leaders can b held accountable for jumping to conclusions.....WE ARE NOT IDIOTS WE KNOW YOU HAVE THE CREDIBILITY OF A WEASEL--TAKE YOUR WTG SHARES BACK TO RUSSIA.I DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH CROOKS!!

Anonymous said...

Back to pre-merger levels! Unbelievable but it works in our favor. No one will approve this merge without the SP to back it up.

Nick said...

This is ugly. We've been holding onto CMM for years now just to get played by crooks. I don't think so, WTG can kiss this merger goodbye, we all need to say NO.

Anonymous said...

How is the price of WTG so static? This guy has a bottomless bag of tricks!

Anonymous said...

I don't see this merger getting s/h approval unless CMM starts closing above $1.

At this rate s/h feel betrayed and are downright angry... and so they should be. No one is buying into the merger crap just like no one bought into that idiotic NR on March 8.

This whole thing is going to blow up in Mssr Finsky, Scola, Major faces like a cheap cigar.