Newmont, Agnico CEOs see $1750 or $2000 gold in next few years
The CEOs of two top gold miners both see gold continuing its rising path this year, and in the years ahead possibly reaching $1750 or higher in 2012.
Author: Carole Vaporean
Posted: Monday , 21 Mar 2011
NEW YORK (Reuters) -
U.S. gold miner Newmont Mining Corp (NEM.N) and Canada's Agnico-Eagle Mines (AEM.TO) said on Monday they expect increasing demand for gold as a monetary asset to send the price up to levels of $1,500 to $1,600 an ounce in the next 12 months.
Speaking in exclusive interviews at the Reuters Global Mining and Steel Summit, the companies' chief executives cited gold's use as a proxy currency, central bank gold purchases, rising demand from Chinese and Indian buyers, and an affinity for gold as an investment in developed economies as chief drivers leading the metal to $1,750 or even $2,000 an ounce in the next few years.
"If you had said 10 years ago that gold was going to be at $2,000, everyone would have agreed that the world would be in a total shambles and there would be chaos in the streets," said Agnico-Eagle Chief Executive Sean Boyd.
"You could see gold at $2,000 and you could see the world function the way it's functioning right now. And, I don't think that's a stretch," he added.
Unless governments take steps to stave off growing inflationary trends, Richard O'Brien, president and CEO of Newmont, the world's second largest gold miner, said gold's value as a protection against inflation could lead it to $1,750 an ounce or higher in several years, possibly by 2012.
"It just depends on how well governments respond to inflation, on whether there are counteracting activities that governments take to forestall the rise in inflation," he said.
O'Brien said, he thinks the pace of inflation is already picking up with governments increasing their currency balances over the last few years and higher food and fuel prices. It will only increase as construction of infrastructure picks up.
Historically, he said, governments have not been able to control inflation, so gold will be used as protection.
For 2011, the CEO of the Denver-based miner said he thinks volatility spawned by global currency movements and political turmoil in the Middle East will mean gold will trade in a range of $1,350 to $1,500 an ounce.
Agnico's Boyd said a gold price at $1,600 an ounce in the next 12 months would "not be a stretch," given its demand as a monetary asset, its desirability as an investment in developed countries, and jewelry purchases in China and India.
The higher gold price would mean silver could surge to $40 to $50 an ounce, he said, "And I don't think that's wild."
"We saw for the first time (in recent history) net central bank buying last year. I think that's going to continue."
On Monday, spot gold was higher around $1,427 an ounce, slightly off the record high of $1,444.40 set March 7.
Despite record gold prices motivating some miners to expand their capacity, O'Brien said the limited life of existing mines, as well as lack of accessible new sites and the extended time it takes a new discovery to go into production, would assure that new supply will have little impact on price gains.
Both chief executives said they do not hedge any top-line assets like gold, silver or copper. They added, however, that they do hedge some input costs, like oil and the Canadian dollar in the case of Agnico-Eagle.
Newmont sometimes uses hedging to lock in energy costs, or hedges the Australian dollar and other currencies in countries where it operates.
(Additional reporting by Frank Tang in New York; editing by Rob Wilson)
The only thing left for us to do is to VOTE NO!!
As I have read, in 2006 there were 40 plus gold deposits in the world with more than 10 milliom ounces gold, 5 of which are in the Abitibi Green Stone Belt (Val o'Dor is within the Southern Abitibi) and they are --Hollinga-Mclntyre, Kirkland Lake, Dome, Kerr Addition n Home Mines.
CMM's resource is 6 million ounces current certainly going to touch +/-8 million ounces with a near-term NI43-101 updating. Knowing what can be known about all the other unexplored targets in Lamarque (I have left out San Juan Peru on purpose) It is most likely that when all these targets are fully assessed/explored we could see a count of 10 million ounces!
I am sure , by all accounts, this resource size is uncommon and all know how valuable this is at current gold price of US$1400/oz and even more so with gold prices at US$1500/oz, $1700/oz..US$2000/oz down the road.
Now is it so hard to see why Fin & Co wants it? It may be the deal of a lifetime for them. It certainly will be for many of us with me included.
Good stuff production.
To one and all, we all need to END the language, four letter words and other nasty talk.
We are all POed, good done.
Now lets get to the job at hand, putting an end to this foolish deal.
I am doing my part, I have legal looking into it, as I posted before.
But we are not doing ourselves a favor by using all the foul talk.
Lets get articulate and active.
I will keep you informed as to what my legal uncovers. We all need to be doing this, read everything you can,Search the internet again and again find what we need to win the day.
Keep it civil.
The article posted by Production05 gives validity to why Finskiy and Company want CMM solely for themselves.
It was earlier recommended that if we are to get the Regulators interested that they need to have investigatory research presented to them so that they can justifiably launch an investigation. I concur with Blizzy's commnets... so now lets get to work. The following request was also posted on Agoracom.
As part of my approach to INVESTMENT CANADA, TSX-V & IIROC regulators, I have been able to segregate each of the Q & A's within the March 15th Conference recording as a separate audio file (in .wmv or mp3 format). To the Q & A, I will also add any documentation that has exposed the facts that the Answers that Daniel Major gave during the conference call are not consistent with what was submitted to SEDAR. This will also include the Chronology of Events which Carib posted.
WHAT I NEED is assistance as to how to upload each of the audio files, firstly, to this forum and then to convey them in a Word file to Investment Canada, TSX-V and IIROC. For those who can help Carib... if I may request, would you supply my email to those whom you think can assist me.
Audio file Example: Question #1, Terrance Keenan, "What will be the value of his CMM shares after the combination, why are we setup for a $13.5 break out fee if........... followed by Daniel Major's answer.
Audio file Example: Question from Bill Malloy, "When did WTG first approach CMM...... to which Daniel Major responded...early March. SEDAR documentation will also be supplied indicating that activities in this regard went back to Dec. 2010. followed by the loan manipulation.
As I progressed into this project...... I was impressed as to how well Daniel Major and the BoD had painted themselves into a corner. Given the light of day, it will be interesting to watch how well they can do squirming out of the corner. Or maybe NOT.
I've even read estimates from respected analysts predicting upwards of $3000 to $5000 Gold by 2016!
It would not be unheard of if Bernake brings in QE3, QE4...QE5
Is it OK to re-post Po5 Strategy & responses on IV. Overnight I responded to 2 queries re cmm .
In the last 10 days there has been a no. of independent posts.
I look for approval as some on IV are very astute and knowedgeable. A large group of us migrated from SH many with same id's even similar named bds.
People really think this merger is a great deal, not knowing what is really going on. We need to spread the word, this merger stinks...
to Blizzy and Fredericton,
Just want to say thanks for your current efforts.
"and then to convey them in a Word file to Investment Canada"
One approach may be to use a dictation software such as found here
Hi Blizzy
Hi Fredericton
Ever cool n steady. Your works are much appretiated. Wish U success n hope to hear from U soon
Agreed, Blizzy & Fredericton thank you for your hard work.
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