Thursday, March 17, 2011

A suggestion to ponder

Fellow CMM Fairness combatants: Isn't it amazing that in less than 24 hours we have nearly 70 million NYET votes! That should make the conspirators fret, if nothing else. Question: Could we initiate an immediate action for the removal of Daniel Major from the BoD and as CEO? He has been an agent of Finskiy at CMM even before he became CEO. He has been in a conflict of interest all-along. Those of you with expertise and/or connections in corporate law: could we initiate such action right away?


Wingfong said...

I really hope IT CAN BE DONE!

Ron S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Amazing. I wonder though if the shares represented by Mr. Fair For All have been double-counted or is this a separate group of shares not associated with this blog?

70M votes sounds like we have a chance!

ATInsider said...

70M is very impressive but there's still many that are not aware of the situation. How can we tap into those other share holders that may in fact agree with us?

Ron S. said...

Go to the web page below for a valuation of our company that was published yesterday at $3.44
By clicking the blue letters under Related Links (for Century) you can access six different pieces of information. "B" is the share price evaluation.

Anonymous said...


In order that members do not have to search previous blogs for the contact details, here they are again. It was also suggested that we address our concerns to Directors Sheridan (Canadian) and Campoy (United States) Their emails are also listed below.

Investment Canada, Honourable Tony Clement

C.D. Howe Building
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-995-9001
Fax: 613-992-0302

Cdn Director
USA Director

TSX Compliance and Disclosure
Tel: (416) 947-4767
Fax: (416) 947-4547
Toll Free: 1-888-873-8392

Disclosure Standards for Mining Companies
Francis Manns
Tel: (416) 947-4447
Fax: (416) 947-4547
Toll Free: 1-888-873-8392

Compliance and Disclosure
Tel: (416) 947-4767
Fax: (416) 947-4547
Toll Free: 1-888-873-8392

Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)
Material Information / News Releases
Tel: (416) 646-7220
Fax: (416) 646-7263


ATInsider said...

Fair Market Valuation Summary - 2011-Mar-16
Projected fair market stock price for Century Mining Corporation, based on the current NI 43-101 resource disclosures, is C$3.44. The actual closing stock price was C$0.56.

Anonymous said...

this should be brought up at next share holder mtg.

Anonymous said...

Given the number of shares committed to the dissenting vote, can we use that to organize a special meeting and vote enmass to remove the entire board? I realize we would need more votes but maybe they would show up..... If not, what would it take to remove management and board members?

I'm not worried if CMM insiders unload all their shares and crash the share price because I'll be there buying as many as I can...... I recognize the true potential of Lamaque and I'm willing to wait for my due reward..... :)

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to write a press release similar to:

Signed all the Dissident Shareholders

ATInsider said...

Anonymous, good point. We should do it.

Gold1 said...

Signed all the Dissident Shareholders

March 17, 2011 5:18 PM
Very good Po5 was in on this I believe.
We need point people,with addresses,ph#'s,fax etc. Cash to pay Marketwire or other services
$5000 for this expense would require a donation of .01% of current trading value of ones shares (assuming 1/2 participation rate. My 400k shares would require a $40.00 donation. Seems fair to me. A higher participation rate or donation of .02% would garner ~ $10,000. Seems fair to me, doable.


Anonymous said...

It's easy enough to set up a pay pal donation link on this board for people to make their contributions.