Over the last many months and years, we have collectively purchased sufficient shares in this old dog to earn a decisive voice in the affairs of this company. I am as disappointed as any, most especially in myself in not having uncovered better intelligence regarding F&S. There have been arguments in the past about what the problems are with Century, nearly all of which have been attached to this person or that. Respectfully, I disagree. The problem is that we have not been loud or clear enough to make certain that management does the right thing. Now, if ever there was a time, is the time for us non-principals to take decisive action.
It is amazing to me that Finisky is so shortsighted and greedy. It makes me wonder what else we are not being told. That being said, we own a truly great asset, and we have potty management. Simple solution is to fire the management, shop the asset to a buyer with pockets and integrity, and put the devils in the lawsuit dock where they belong. There is clear and compelling evidence of sp manipulation, breach of fiduciary duty and at least a strong suggestion that even the lax laws governing Canadian exchanges are being flouted.
The financial reward for us exercising our shareholders' rights are potentially enormous. The cost of not doing so will only make bad men wealthier-and I think we have enough of that.
Well said. We need to stand as one and fight this.
Lets do it..
Impeech Finskiy!!!
We should all report thisshady activity to the regulatory bodyand ruffle some papers
I have near 200K that will remain a no vote for WTG paper.
I have weathered 1 cent stock.
They can take a hike.
Ron Schnee
Is it true that some shareholders can demand CASH instead of WTG paper and WTG will pay them out if it's not more than 5% of the shares? How does that work? I would accept 1.80$ for my shares but NO paper!
Agreed, I too would accept $1.80 for my CMM shares but no paper.
I am definately in for a fight - I have been with CMM for quite sometime and the manipulation that we are facing is incredible and we must defend our investment to the fullest. This 5% seems like a great tool to get cash for our shares. I have already stated that I vote no but am also ready to contribute and join a group of members to use this 5% option. I have roughly 443,000 shares current and they all want to be rewarded in cash or a no merger deal.
Let's get this rolling!!!!!
funny how CMM is down 5 cents and WTG is up 29 cents...should be an interesting CC.
Yeah funny how CMM is nowhere close to 0.4x$3.50=$1.40..... Wonder how they'll explain it during the CC....I'm sure some more BS spin
It's because WTG's BOD is trying to make us believe it's actually worth more. To do this you dump on CMM shares and increase WTG shares. There's games being played here and it's really not fair and not professional. Are we dealing with adolescents here or adults?
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