Thursday, January 14, 2010

Carolin Mine (things are starting look up there)

Module/Carolin just posted some really good drill results a couple of days ago.

As a refresher, Carolin is a past producer which can be brought back into production somewhat fast (at least faster than a brand new mine) - Carolin retained its mining permit and it has some infrastructure (shafts? ramps? declines?) within the underground mine (and open pit development is generally not overwhelming) and some facilities that may be refurbished. Century joint ventured Carolin out to Module. Century currently owns 1M Module shares (possibly 2M). Century also still owns 33.4% of Carolin itself. In addition, Century still retains back in rights to move its ownership of Carolin back to 50%.

The ideal gold is to have Module bring the property back into production, at say somewhere between 40,000 to 50,000 oz per year production, then merge Module into Century at that time.

If all goes well then Module/Carolin may be able to contribute 40,000 to 50,000 production ounces to the 300,000 to 500,000 Century is targeting in a few years.

Here are the drill results:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wondering? production05 your opions are very valued here. As a new investor to CMM I was wondering if you had any news on next NR for any new drill assays? thanks again muckmonster