Friday, May 7, 2010

Job posting - Drilling Machine Operators (6 people to be hired)

This is a very interesting job posting, at least from a drill strategy perspective. I thought they were leaning towards contracting out the drilling work. If such is the case then I wonder why they would need to hire in-house drill operators. It almost seems as if they decided to go in the direction of carrying full-time employee drillers instead of contracting out (perhaps partly because it`s too costly too contract out and partly because we will likely be drilling continously for many years into the future). If they are hiring drillers then they will likely need to lease drill rigs (likely long-term capital leases). I believe they had leased 2 drills back in 2008. I believe they returned one and was considering keeping the second one. If they are hiring 6 drill operators (in Quebec) then it sure sounds like they are planning to have at least 2 drills going simultaneously (even if the drillers work in shifts).

By they way, if this is the direction they going in, it makes for an interesting side business in periods of downtime. With an in-house assay lab, in-house drillers and our leased drill rigs, we can provide our own contracting service to the numerous exploration companies in the neighbourhood. There might be a couple of months of downtime in between our own drill programs in order to review the data and build the next phase of the program. Also, having multiple drilling crews should give us some flexibility to avoid delays (if we decided to get creative). I am fimiliar with at least a couple of mining companies that operate in this manner.

Taking things a step further, Century does have a Corporate goal of becoming a mid-tier gold producer, via both current mine expansions and strategic and synergistic opportunities. If they eventually consolidate junior companies within the Val d`Or area then they wouldn`t need to contract out our drillers during downtimes. There will be plenty of drilling work for our drill crews. Perhaps Century`s executive team is thinking ahead here by (potentially) selecting this in-house drilling approach.

The posting can be access to the right of this page.

``Drilling Machine Operator - Underground Mining``

``Number of positions to fill: 6``

``This employer invites people aged 55 and over to apply.``

``Equal access``
``We implement a voluntary equal access employment program under the Quèbec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and encourage applications from women and ethnic minorities.``


Anonymous said...

If you lease your drill crews out to other properties, you also get the inside info as to who's got the great deposits (visible gold). Great way to scout your neighbours for takeovers, great way to get inside info before the press releases.

If you were evil, that is. :-)

rick said...

you see in the staff century got a lot of trouble to hired jumboman cuz wen they hired one the day after the guy quit why ...... cuz they dont have any drilling plan or the bonus is so bad so they quit as fast as they come

rick said...

i told ya if century want to do money ,they really have to gave us the better bonus , all miners talk about bonus ,wen the bonus is good they going to have all miners they want, other mines gave arround 20 per hour of bonus for drilling and 50% for mucking , so put a extra 2$ at 22$ per hour bonus and you going to see whats is going to hapen