Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today's Trading

We got some new blood today with Haywood taking a position and two of the earlier biggest sellers on past down days became buyers today - Anonymous and Jitney.  It sure feels like a reversal, but it's only one day.


Wingfong said...

Now we have new blood from Haywood and Jitney+anonymous seems to be reversing course. By their new pen-names, I detect a small surge in new commentator participations too. IMO these are consistent with stock prices that are viewed to be on the uptrend. Believe it bodes well. The fall of a single leaf signals the begining of Autumn so will the large up-trusting white candle signals the up trust of the SP too?

real_economics said...

Yes, today is significant. There is a good chance we continue to move up tomorrow into a new range. It's also possible, we'll test the top of the breakout line for a little bit and then move up. Either way the chart right now is a bullish Picasso.


real_economics said...

On the lighter side - Looks like Credit Suisse 72 went BIG with their massive purchase of 7 shares. . hahaha. Someone needs a 10 bagger to make up for their trading fees. LOL