Saturday, July 31, 2010

BOD Sketch: Ricardo M. Campoy

Well, I still can't find my market cap, so I'll just wear the bio cap this's a rundown on Mr. Campoy, B. Sc., M.IM: This is courtesy of Bloomberg, and serves as a more concise summary than mine:
Ricardo M. Campoy, B.Sc. has been Corporate and Financial Advisor of Bayswater Uranium Corp. since May 2008. Mr. Campoy serves as an Executive Officer of ING Capital LLC. He served as an Advisor to the Board and Consultant of Century Mining Corp. since January 2010. He is a Co-founder and manages Minerals Capital & Advisory LLC. Mr. Campoy is a seasoned international mineral resources banker and advisor with industry experience as a mining engineer and as a financial and corporate adviser. His 28-year career in natural resource finance has included merchant, commercial and investment banking. He has 34 years of international experience as a mining engineer, merchant and investment banker and as a financial advisor. Mr. Campoy has been involved in project finance, debt and equity private placements, and mergers and acquisitions. He is in private practice in New York as a financial and corporate adviser to the resources industry and other sector groups. He served as Managing Director of Specialized Finance Unit at WestLB AG. He served as Head of the Mining and Metals Group at WestLB AG from 2004 to 2006. Before his banking career, he worked in various engineering and supervisory production capacities for Inspiration Copper and BCL Bamangwato Concessions. He served as Senior Advisor of Project Finance, Minerals, and Metals at McFarland Dewey & Co. LLC from 2000 to 2004. Mr. Campoy served as Investment Banker of McFarland Dewey Securities Co since April 2000, Managing Director of Carver Cross Inc. since October 1999 to March 2000, Investment Banker of ING Barings LLC from July 1998 to September 1999 and Investment Banker of ING Baring (U. S.) Securities Inc., from November 1997 to July 1998. His international banking career has included advisory services at ING Capital Corporation, Swiss Bank Corporation, European Banking Corporation, Elders Resource Finance Inc. and the Continental Illinois National Bank. He served as Associate Mining Engineer with Dravo Corp. from 1974 to 1975, Mining Engineer with Amax, Inc. from 1975 to 1978, Second Vice President of Continental Illinois National Bank from 1980 to 1984, Senior Manager of European Banking Company, London from 1984 to 1986, President of Elders Resource Finance, Inc., from 1986 to 1991, Managing Director of ING Capital Corporation, New York from 1995 to 1998, Managing Director of Carver Cross, Inc., from 1998 to 2000. His 27-year career in natural resource finance has included merchant, commercial and investment banking. He has been a Director of Century Mining Corp. since June 2010 and serves as its Lead Director. He has been Director of Endeavour Silver Corp. since July 2010. He has been Director of Standard Steam Canada Corp. since September 8, 2009; Forsys Metals Corp. since May 2010 and General Moly Inc. since August 10, 2006. He serves as Independent Lead Director of General Moly, Inc. He serves as Director of Idaho General Mines, Inc. Mr. Campoy served as Director of Kilgore Minerals Ltd. since May 12, 2003. He served as Director of Century Mining Corp. since March 22, 2007 until January 2010. He served as Director of SBCI Swiss Bank Corporation, New York from 1992 to 1995. He served as Member of McFarland Dewey & Co., LLC. Mr. Campoy is a Member of the Society of Mining Engineers, AIME. Mr. Campoy earned a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines and a Master of International Management in Finance from American Graduate School of International Management.

My summary: mining engineer with proven track record in resource finance: A major asset to CMM in sorting out gold from rock at Sigma/Lamaque. I like the recent tie-up with EXK...raises some interesting possibilities.


Anonymous said...

It is quite dissapointing not to have a July update.

Supposedly Lamaque should have doubled production from 400 to 800 tonnes/day ?! Is this not news ?

After the shake-up it would have been excellent move to show the market that the new managment will be on time .. giving more timely releases.

This was a missed opportunity in my opinion.


chillby said...

I agree. What do you think would happen if we campaign for one?

Keith said...

I have emailed management with my concerns of not releasing a news release for July progress. I think we all should.

rhump said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhump said...

Mike and Keith,,, you obviously interpreted Peter Ball's comments on the Q2 and monthly update differently then I did. He said to me that he was not sure if they would bring the monthly update out or wait until the Q2 was released sometime in August. The earliest he could bring out the monthly update, IF he decided to put it out independent of the Q2's, would be August 3rd since 2nd was a holiday in Canada. We will see what happens.

Anonymous said...

rhump: ... thx for the clarification ..I appreaciate.

One of the reasons I think it is so important to get production numbers our is that from June to July Lamaque should have moved from "losing money" to "profitable"

(based on estimated monthly production of over 4000 oz in July vs < 2000 oz in June)

This is a significant milestone for any company...

I like the analogy of a battlefield soldier down on the field bleeding from wounds .. to getting up and moving around in the hospital. In the first case the prognosis is questionable/uncertain .. in the second case the prognosis is optimistic

cheers all


Wingfong said...

Hi Mike
Your analogy is interesting. If indeed CMM has turned from a money losing June to a profitable July, believe such news is good for the market and will quite certainly encourage fence sitters and possibly retard the activities of the short flippers. As such, a timely release of such news seems advantageous.

Anonymous said...

I know we are far from the dead line as of now!

But with the history of cto's this co. has I would like them to stay as far away as possible from that specter. Get in the habit of having a few weeks of margin in case extra time is needed to produce mandatory Q reports.
(getting them right of course)
