Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bedard Dyke - objectives of these last 8 drill holes (which we now know contains visible gold in all 8 holes)

Findings prior to the last 8 holes (Jan. 18th NR):

``The current drilling program has delineated the spatial location of the dyke, however the best method for determining the grade of the dyke will be to drill it down dip and along strike. This method of drilling will ensure that all flats within the dyke are intersected by the drill holes.``

Objectives of the last 8 holes (Jan 18th NR):

``The follow up program in the first quarter of 2010 will be oriented to drill the dyke down its dip and along strike. Five of the holes will be drilled with lengths varying from 500 to 1000 feet and dips from -45 to -80 degrees. This will allow the dyke to be tested along a vertical extent ranging from 350 to 915 feet below topographic surface. Once the drilling has been completed and all assays returned, the Bedard Dyke will be remodeled utilizing Vulcan software to determine additional measured and indicated resources and proven and probable reserves that are hosted within the dyke.``

We`ll have to wait for the assay results to come available. However, with visible gold identified in all 8 holes, I am optimistic that the objectives of the follow up drill program will be at least partially accomplished, especially since this part of the program was essentially grade establishment and infill drilling focused. It is my view that the current/recent Bedard Dyke drill program (based on successes of the overall program) will add P&P Reserves and M&I ounces to Century`s existing sums in those particular categories (in the not too distant future).

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