March 25`10 NR: ``Century is also reviewing multiple exploration prospects within the large 220 square kilometer land package controlled by the Company for future exploration programs planned for late 2010 and early 2011.``
San Juan is difficult to drill due to the narrow veins. Hopefully there were some good learnings from the last SJ drill program. I like the work of Century`s current geologists and other exploration team members with regards to the good work done on the Bedard Dyke. I look forward to seeing what they can do with San Juan. We already have 8 or 9 years of mine life established at San Juan (based on 30,000 oz per year production), but it would be nice to enhance the property further by having a successful exploration program.
I don`t know which targets Century will select for drilling (lots of opportunities with a 220 square kilometre land package in a proven gold bearing area), but here are some areas I would probably look at, at some point down the road (that comes immediately to mind anyway):
1) Drilling underground at the primary San Juan veins (San Juan and Mercedes) - I believe both veins are still open at depth (and maybe along strike also). San Juan uses an adit mining (going through the side of the mountain) approach because they mine within the mountains. They may have also mined a bit below surface level, but I don`t think they have gone too deep as yet. There is an opportunity to drill deep (I think it was also identified in the last 43-101 tech rpt but I don`t remember the details - it`s been a while since I`ve read it). There may be an opportunity here to add significant ounces, based on the findings of course. If the increase in resource is large enough then it will likely justify sinking a shaft and building appropriate mining infrastructure.
2) Continue exploration on the secondary (smaller) San Juan veins
3) Veta Clara, Santa Clarita and Lily La Huaca - I believe these are all vein systems that are similar to the primary San Juan veins. However, there is no data to suggest (as yet) that they can deliver anything close to what the San Juan veins have delivered over the years. I think we might be already mining a bit of Veta Clara, otherwise, A lot more exploration work is required to assess the potential of these systems.
4) Champune (formally ``Golden Champune``) - based on historical sampling data inherited by Century when the property was purchased, Century thought that this had the potential to be a stockwork low grade bulk tonnage gold deposit. Century`s further sampling proved that theory to be incorrect. I suppose it`s not clear why there was a disconnect with the inherited rock sample data. Century has figured out that the stockwork is intruded by dykes (per the last conference call). They have concluded that the gold is likely located at the margins of the dykes. I wouldn`t be surprised if Century tests this theory with the upcoming exploration program.
5) Erika - this is a copper porphyry property. Very little work has been done on Erika. There needs to be a lot of exploration work done even prior to drilling. There hasn`t even been a geophysical survey done. There has only been some rock sampling on the surface. The rock samples were decent but mixed. Century`s geologists believe that Erika could house at least 500,000 tonnes of ore. There is really no firm data as yet though. The work needs to be done before a realistic assessment can be done.
Teck Cominco discovered the Zafranal porphyry copper deposit in 2003, approximately 50 kilometers south of San Juan, in a similar geologic setting. Teck Cominco subsequently acquired some concessions surrounding the southern portion of the San Juan property, near the Erika porphyry prospect. Exploration results from Teck`s Zafranal property (50 kilometers away from Erika) have been excellent since the 2003. Teck has since joint ventured the property to a junior. I believe a scoping study is planned for later in 2010. I haven`t been able to locate any info on Teck`s claim properties that immediately abuts Century`s border.
I don`t think Erika is a priority for Century as it is not a gold property (it cannot impact immediate production). However, I wouldn`t be surprised if Century initiates a bit of work (at some point down the road) to get a better idea of what we have here.
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