There are 10 workers on the team (engineers, geologists, etc.).
They have thus far released modeling results down to 2600 ft at Lamaque. The last results were released in June 2009. As such, the next results are way overdue (relative to frequency of results released previously). More importantly, they have been compiling data for 8 months now without showing us the new results. If their track record is any indication, we should see some nice results with their next release (hopefully within the next few months).
We know that they still have to model the areas below 2600 ft and down to 6000 ft. However, I`m not sure how many people realize this but the Vulcan modeling team still has significant data to plug into the system from between the surface and 2600 ft (retracing steps in the published areas) - ``along strike``. Here is the importance of this: Century has 3.1M ounces in the inferred category. As we know, inferred means (although we know the gold is there) there is insufficient data to prepard a mine plan to mine those ounces at this time. With the Vulcan team expected to add more historical drilled data (into the model) for the inferred areas located from surface to 2600 ft, it likely means that the Vulcan team will be able to move some of those inferred ounces into M&I (and possibly some directly into P&P Reserves) even prior to us initating infill drill programs on those areas.
Also, keep in mind that only 50% of the modeling initiative was completed at June 2009.
From the June 23`09 NR:
``These newly added dyke and shear structures indicate the presence of large mineralized zones, which may be bulk mined within 2,600 feet of surface. Along with these results, the Company still has a significant amount of data to enter for modeling along strike from surface to the 2,600 foot level. Data input and calculation for this zone is ongoing, and the Company will make further announcements when subsequent calculations are complete.``
``The data compilation is only about 50% complete, and the Company therefore expects to make periodic resource announcements in the future as this work continues.”
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