Monday, March 29, 2010

The Southern Peru Cu-Porphyry Belt

The company Teck joint ventured the Zafranal Cu-Porphyry property to is called Apoquindo Minerals Inc. (AQM-V). On March 18th, Apoquindo announced a $31.9M PP. On the next day they announced even more good drilled intersections from Zafranal. I think this level of financing signifies the success of the Zafranal property in attracting institutional attention, but, I believe, it also embraces the idea that Zafranal is a northern extention of the Southern Peru Cu-Porphyry Belt.

The Southern Peru Cu-Porphyry Belt is long and has numerous world class deposits in it.

To be honest, I don`t see the signs that would suggest that our Erika property will ever be anywhere near to being a world class Cu-Porphyry deposit (although one could never know at this early stage). However, Erika seems to be directly in the path of this very successful belt (good location). It also helps that is has the same geologic surroundings as the very successful Zafranal property (and just 50 kilometres away). If Erika turns out to be a nice little successful Cu-Porphyry deposit then there is nothing wrong with that also - not every deposit along the belt needs to be world class to be successful.

Apoquindo has a nice little map of the Southern Peru Cu-Porphyry Belt within their Corporate Presentation. Take a look at page 6 of the presentation (attached link). Location wise, Erika would be in line for the next deposit to extend northwest on the belt. You will also notice that the deposits lower down in the belt were clustered together. If this tend continues, it would suggest that the Zafranal deposit may not be alone - the logic would suggest that there should be similar quality deposits nearby (maybe Erika is one of them - who knows).

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