Our Goodchild property is about 20 kilometres away from the Hemlo gold camp, in the “Hemlo region”. It is definitely a very early stage, grassroots, property. It`s definitely an absolute low priority for Century right now. However, it is nevertheless an interesting property. Not only is it 20 kilometres away from the very successful Hemlo gold camp, but it`s only about 5 kilometres away from the Marathon PGM-Cu deposit (Canada`s largest undeveloped PGM-Cu resource). Our Goodchild property is also about 5 kilometres away from Benton`s Goodchild property also. Benton`s property is a base metals property, with anomalies identified from geophysical airborne surveys and historical data gathered from prospecting.
With regards to Century`s Goodchild property, there are showings of gold and other metals on the property (from both drilling and sampling efforts). Century inherited the property from Saxony Explorations (when Century was formed). Saxony had previously done an option with JonPol Exploration on Aug. 26/02. JonPol performed limited (test) drilling in 2 phases, Jan. 28/03 and Oct. 16/03. Phase 1 drilling was very positive. Phase 2 drilling was mixed (especially on the poor side), but was too limited to make any firm conclusions about the property - only 5 drill holes in phase 2. There is definitely gold on the property, but it`s a matter of how much (if it`s material enough) and a matter of doing the working to find the rest of the gold. Actually, there appears to be some silver, copper and zinc also (by-product credit potential which allows for a lower economical gold grade).
Maybe Century can perform a more current geophysical airborne survey (using more modern technology) once Lamaque is up and running and generating good cash flow. The survey should be able to pinpoint further physical anomalies on the property. The geophysical anomalies coupled with data from the previous drill holes and historical rock sample results, plus some current rock samples and a mapping program, should provide some good blended info, enough to provide good guidance for a next phase drill program.
Actually, I think the phase 2 program focused more on testing the base metal anamolies and had less to do with expanding around the good (gold) holes hit in phase 1 program. I think the next drill program should focus on expanding outwards from the original successful au drill holes.
I like the location of this property. I also like that some of the previous holes have already hit gold on the property. I think it`s definitely worth an intense evaluation in the future.
I was able to find the phase 1 and 2 NRs for the Goodchild Lake property, from back in 2003.
Jonpol Explorations Ltd. (JON-TSX) wishes to announce the results of their Phase I diamond drill program at the Lucky and UGM Zones on its jointly held (Jonpol/Saxony) Goodchild Lake claims, located 15 km northeast of the town of Marathon in north central Ontario.
Three diamond drill holes -- GC-02-1, 2, & 3 -- for 513 meters were completed to test the Lucky Zone, to a depth of 50 meters and over a strike length of 100 meters. Assays of 1.29 g/t, 2.88 g/t and 0.26 g/t gold over core lengths of 1.00, 1.14 and 3.16 meters respectively are in the same range as surface channel samples from pyritized syenite within the zone. The Lucky shear-fracture zone dips west at 70 o and is characterized by red-buff quartz-carbonate-hematite alteration that fills fractures within a grey monzonite host at the margins of the pyritized syenite dyke.
The shear-fracture zone strikes north-south for at least 1.1 kilometers within the Beggs Lake stock and further detailed IP surveys over the structure are required to define sections of pyritized syenite and auriferous shear below the overburden.
Diamond drill hole GC-02-04, drilled – 52 o at 110 o from station (1245E and 985N) to test the UGM zone, cut fractured monzonite with pyrite, quartz veins and buff-carbonate alteration between 32.8 and 69.55 meters from collar and was stopped in unaltered monzonite at 167 meters. A 0.42 meters section of altered monzonite between 33.49 and 33.91 meters assayed 3.6 g/t gold, while 2 silicified sections below this interval assayed 1.80 g/t and 2.54 g/t over 0.20 and 1.0 meters respectively.
The drilling has shown that the pyritized UGM fracture zone is vertical, while trench mapping and stripping has established a strike of N25 OE across the Beggs Lake stock.
Diamond drill hole GC-02-05 drilled – 52 o at 225 o from station (242W and 683S Teck Grid) was collared in basalt and cut 89.6 meters of altered basalt with four sections of pyritized tuff-sediment and cherty tuff between 25.36 and 115.0 meters above the volcanic/monzonite contact. The hole was stopped in unaltered monzonite at 153.0 meters.
Two sections of tuff and cherty tuff with 1 – 3% pyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite assayed (1) 0.06 g/t gold, 1.08 g/t silver, 680 ppm copper and 445 ppm zinc over 5.0 meters, and (2) 0.02 g/t gold, 0.51 g/t silver, 253 ppm copper and 4043 ppm zinc over 3.8 meters.
Individual assays of 3470 ppm zinc and 1.0 g/t silver over 1.0 meter within cherty tuff lie above these zones.
The altered sulphide bearing tuff chert section explains a prominent IP chargeability anomaly that extends for at least 300 meters to the north and west along the intrusive/volcanic contact.
A Phase II diamond drill program, currently in the planning stage, will test the massive copper-zinc and precious metal sulphide potential of this conductive zone and similar zones up section to the northeast within the volcanic pile.
TORONTO, Oct. 16 /CNW/ - Jonpol Explorations Limited (JON-TSX) (the "Company") wishes to announce the results of their Phase II diamond drill program on its jointly held (Jonpol/Saxony) Goodchild Lake claims, located 15 km northeast of the town of Marathon in north central Ontario.
The Company has completed a five hole (992 metre) drilling program on the Goodchild Property. Four holes (GC-03-06 to GC-03-09) targeted induced polarization geophysical anomalies while the fifth hole (GC-03-10) tested a stripped and trenched gold showing. The best result was from hole GC-03-06 that tested a coincident induced polarization anomaly and a gold occurrence. In this hole, a 0.20 metre interval from 25.95 metres to 26.15 metres, assayed 1.13 g/t Au. Samples from the other holes returned only very low grade values. All samples from the drilling program were sent to Swastika Laboratories and gold assays were carried out using the fire assay method.
Phase I results of the drilling program on the Goodchild Property were previously announced by the Company in a release dated January 28, 2003. The Company reports that no further work on the Goodchild Property is contemplated at this time.
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