Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Did Finskiy and friends buy a few shares on the open market?

He says that him and his friends will control 101,122,759 Century common shares.

He says that they currently control 22,372,759 Century common shares.

Here is a reconciliation of what we know and what we have a pretty good idea of:

*Finskiy purchased 7,142,857 Century shares in a private transaction back in September

*Finskiy and friends added 78,750,000 Century shares via this major transaction

*Finskiy and friends likely added 13,500,000 via the $2.7M bridge equity FT transaction in November - Finskiy stated via articles (at late November, after this $2.7M financing) that him and his associates controlled close to 10% of Century shares (this was the only avenue for one primary buyer to pick up 13.5M Century shares between mid Sept and late Nov)

7,142,857 + 78,750,000 + 13,500,000 = 99,392,857

101,122,759 - 99,392,857 = 1,729,902

As you can see, I cannot account for 1,729,902 of Finskiy's shares.

Now, here is an important hint to guide us.

With warrants, Finskiy expects to get to 140,497,759 Century FD shares.

140,497,759 - 101,122,759 = 39,375,000 warrants

78,750,000 / 2 = 39,375,000 warrants

It means that all the warrants came from 78,750,000 shares. This means that Finskiy and his friends did not acquire the extra 1,729,902 Century shares via a financing with warrants (i.e. the $4M financing that got approved by TSX-V today).

Also, the $1.3M original portion of the bridge financing (which didn't have warrants) was via Union Securities so Finskiy and his people likely did not participate in that either.

That only leaves Finskiy with 2 avenues for buying the 1,729,902 extra shares:

1) another private transaction

2) open market

Was he the Scotia person buying on the open market in recent days?

I have have absolutely no idea, but it doesn't seem we can rule it out either.

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