Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today's Trade Summary

More of the same.


rhump said...

same old!!!! Probably won't change much from here. The stock is back under control by the MM's and as result will go when they want it to go. I am still a believer that the SP is being held in a tight trading range leading up to the NR of the financing deal. IF, (that is a big IF) anyone can trust Miss Kent, then we should know shortly. Sorry for my skepticism and sinicism but I think I share the sentiments of the market. SHOW ME THE MONEY.

production05 said...

Closing of the current $4M financing may add more firmness to the major deal closing. The finder is Oberon Capital (the same finder as the previous FT, which likely allowed the shares of Finskiy and friends to reach 10% ownership). It's possible that Finskiy and friends might have 16.5% ownership in Century (excluding 10M cheap $.30 warrants) after this $4M financing closes.

rhump said...
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rhump said...

Good points! The more control exerted by Finskiy and Scola over the company, the less influence PK will have. The market will see that as very positive step and reward its LT shareholders. You said it best in a previous post, PK's forte is deal making. Plain and simple. IMO, she is not CEO material. FWIW. Cheers!