Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2010 Trading summary

Based on the trading summary for January to July this year, it is pretty difficult to make a case for share price manipulation or shorting and without hard evidence, the Securities Commissions will dsmiss any complaints.  Canaccord and Anonymous were huge net sellers in 2008 and 2009 and it was resonable to conclude that they were selling shares they never owned.  But since Century began issuing millions of shares for debt settlements, the source of any large selling could be attributed to the selling of shares not acquired in the market.  These are a few of the shares-for-debt deals:

MRI - 3,571,429
IQ (Investissement Quebec) - 5,000,000
14-cent PP Sept 09 - 7,857,143
Shares to creditors - 5,265,472

(Click to Enlarge)

These are the August numbers to date:


Anonymous said...

Looks like BMO Nesbitt is the BIG seller in July and was big yesterday. Any idea who they represent?

BTW - who is the "primary dealer" for CMM? You can tell by seeing who the one that picks up any odd lott crosses. Odd lot crosses always go to the same house on one side or another....

yikes1 said...

I believe it's Union, or was Union anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that rings a bell - Union cleared the odd lots! THANKS!