Friday, August 20, 2010

Victor`s BNN session - from today

Victor talked briefly about Century at the 2:30 mark - ``at least 5 bagger from these levels``.


blevit said...

Does 5 bagger = $5.00 ?

chillby said...

5X your investment

production05 said...


I forgot to mentioned (on the past post), another reason I would prefer for Century to not access the remaining escrow cash (if that option is available) relates to Finskiy`s remaining warrants.

Finskiy has 29,375,000 remaining warrants that expire in 10 months. Those warrants exercised will provide Century with $8,812,500 in cash.

Instead of pulling the remaining cash from the escrow account, I would like to see Finskiy exercise his remaining warrants a bit each month starting in Novemember. Perhaps a cash injection profile that looks something like this (via exercise of the warrants):

Oct`10 - $1,000,000 cash
Nov`10 - $1,000,000
Dec`10 - $1,000,000
Jan`11 - $1,000,000
Feb`11 - $1,000,000
Mar`11 - $1,000,000
Apr`11 - $1,000,000
May`11 - $1,000,000
Jun`11 - $,812,500

Those viewers not already familiar with this discussion can go back to view the original post and comments to understand the other (potential) key benefits identified.

Wingfong said...

Hi Prod05

Your additional information noted with thanks

Wingfong said...


What chillby meant was 5x$0.40=$2.00 with $0.40 being the present price (what Victor said was a 5 bagger from here and here means $0.40)

Wingfong said...

Just connecting the words at random. Pardon the neivety.


Salute the miners, toiling the earth's bowel
For the thing that glitters
The thing we call gold

Five thousand years and yonder
Befor Egypt's Pharaohs, the Shang Kings of China
Lusting for the metal-metal of the sun

Modenity morons, call you the babarous relic
Remove you fron the sanctum, of the nation's vaults

So be gone you golden hand-cuffs
Leave the little papers, with the fancy prints

For us mere mortals, it is in you we trust
Salute our miners, who scoop the gold for us

Wingfong said...

CMM and Sangold comparision

Here is my simplistic approach using ounces in the ground and fully diluted share quantities of the two companies as per their respective web sites.

CMM Sangold

2p 1,321,287oz 782,827oz
M&I 1,300,366oz 835,760oz
Inf 3,305,904oz 2,259,230oz

Fully diluted shares

412,164,417 292,795,989

Comparision (1)
Total ounces in all catagories/fully diluted share number

CMM-(1,321,387+1,300,366+3,305,904)/412,164,417 =0.014oz/share

Sangold(752,827+835,760+2,259,230)/292,795,898 =0.013oz/share

Sangold/CMM -0.013/0.014=92.86%

Compation (2) (2px100%+M&Ix80%+Infx60%)/fully diluted shares number




But then:-

CMM current price -$0.42
Sangold current price - $4.00

So new comers to the blog, do think about all these figures and do your maths. As for me, I do not fear as the gold is there. If Victor has reasons to thk CMM can be bigger than Sangold, then it certainly is more slivating!

Anonymous said...

Hey just for laughs,things have sure changed since I put up the 500k at 4 bucks,Rump g8T idea! don't tick me off or I will put the other million up at 5 bucks,we are all up from here on end. Da Goon

Wingfong said...

correcting typo errors and missing figures of the preceeding posting...


