Friday, August 13, 2010

Hi Yikes, here is a link to the Q2 NR / Progress Update (if it helps)


yikes1 said...

Thanks Prod, but I'm useless at getting this thing to format right in the posting window.

moich said...

Don't worry Yikes,my fingers are way too big for the keyboard,hence took me about 3 mins to write this.Made a little money this Q2,better than losing in my view.

production05 said...

Yeah, I hear you, I`m the same way too (perhaps even worst when it comes to formats and such).

Actually, I posted the link as a solution to your request for a better format, since the format doesn`t always come through well.

The link is to Marketwire so it will stay in place pretty much forever. If people struggle to make out some of the numbers in your post then they can always click on the link to access the original format.