Friday, March 18, 2011

Every minority voted share counts!!! - 1 share or 1 million shares

Just a reminder: Every single person is important in the effort. Add your shares to the list if you intend to vote ``NO``. Owning 1 share makes you an owner of the company and entitles you the right to vote.


Wingfong said...

Relic, is it possible to add in the date each individual share recording was made or is it necessary?

Wingfong said...

Also the running serial number

relic said...

Hi Wingfong

Both of those are recorded. Are you asking for them to be displayed?

Wingfong said...

relic, a 50000 share block under Horse seems to have been doubly counted. Yes, like them to be displaced if there is no objection. The serial number make for easier reference n the dates record our battle times, like a community log

Rickydee said...

found this article very interesting, basically polyus doing at the time what WTG is doing to CMM. small excerpt:

"Westway told Minesite that between 2003 and 2006, Polyus took over the gold-producing and exploration assets of Lenzoloto at one price; then devalued them for transfer to Polyus; raised their value to achieve a significantly greater capital value for Polyus; and thereby deprived Westway as a minority shareholder in Lenzoloto of the substantial difference in value. Calculated on the basis of under-valued or reserves allegedly lost to Lenzoloto, Westway’s claim targets an amount estimated at $526 million; of that, its 8% stake should represent a claim to about $42 million."

Anonymous said...

yes, definitely sounds familiar. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree as I believe Finsky was an eager student watching his bosses.

Nick said...

We need to be careful, these guys did there homework. It seems they've scammed B4.

Anonymous said...

Rich Meschke is the new CMM Investor Relations guy that replaced Peter Ball.

I'm sure he'd love to hear from everyone:

dave peters said...
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dave peters said...

FWIW, and as hoov pointed out at the other board, technically speaking, a "dissenting" shareholder is a very different thing from one who simply votes "No".

I have to wonder whether the majority of people who signed up are even aware of the significant difference. If not, they should look into it.

Rickydee said...

im assuming this is the list of no votes, yet if the vote passes and majority votes yes then we will have to register a dissent, this is a good way to get all the people together. As we can do many other things before the vote even comes, you can influence things a lot more if the group is organized and is a large percentage of outstanding shares.

ATInsider said...

We currently have an organised group with 5 people in charge if I am not mistaken. One person will represent us all while the other 4 will assist him. This is the only way we will get something completed effectively and efficiently. I believe Pruduction05 and Fair For All are among the 2.

Anonymous said...

Ok here goes and forgive me if im wrong!

I will use the game of poker as an example. Dissent voting is a side transaction or battle which is separate from the "MERGER" voting. Once you decide that is the route you want to go, you must first obtain your certificate and then file it with a notice of dissent to the appropriate authorities. This must be sent within a certain timeline before the actual "merger" voting date. From what Hoov wrote in his article on agoracom, it seems that wtg has a clause in place. That clause seems to state that wtg will "only" allow up to 5% limit on shareholders filing a dissent right. If it goes over that number wtg holds the right to scrap or cancel the whole entire operation as to the complete merger of cmm and wtg as it would be more costly imo.

The questions i need answered please are the following.

1. If you choose to dissent are you completely out of the "merger" voting?

2. If yes to #1 does it make it more difficult to get the 25% votes needed to stop the "merger" voting?

3. Once you obtain certificate how do you file a dissent? Is there a form? And how can i obtain such form if there is one?

4. What is the mailing address of such authorities were certificate and dissent notice must go?

5. Lastly can shareholders vote against a dissent in the supreme court if the fair value proposed by mediator does not seem fair to shareholders? In such case what would happen?

Thanks for the responses ahead of time. Hope this helps and please correct me if im wrong.



ATInsider said...

Most of your questions were already answered somewhere on this blod, I just can't seem to locate them.

Anonymous said...

I already know that but thank you. They were answered in agoracom an hour or so ago.



TraderJoey said...

Proud to have included my meager 50,000 shares this morning.

But I gotta say, I'm really tempted to cut and run after reading the behind the scenes play by play.

What would be the safe thing to do here? Is there going to be some kind of 5 year legal battle going on down the road? Can the security regulators shut down Century for shady actions committed by the CEO and board of directors?(not bashing I just don't want to lose my whole investment).

Advice appriciated. Thanks!

Carib said...

TraderJoey, thank-you for your No Vote.

I understand where you are coming from and there is no doubt that others "have cut and run" last week and hence the 54-cent share price.

But is that what we Canadians and Americans do when bullied by the Russians? Not me!

Understand that by being a shareholder you own a piece of highly prized assets in a gold bull market. We have over 6 million ounces of gold and I fully expect that number to go much higher. So does Max Finiskiy and that's why he is making his move now.

Conservatively we will probably have 8 million or more ounces of gold with additional drilling. The value of that gold is over $11 billion and who knows what it will be worth in another year or two. Do you really want to be bullied out of what is rightfully yours?