Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fore those that still believe that their is no concerted effort by others outside of our real shareholders group to influence our decision, please read below a small sample of posts from members on the Agoracom board, who have also been outed as having multiple aliases as those that were found here on our board earlier.

Post from “Brattymack” on the Agoracom Blog.


Today I'm seriously contemplating what motivates someone to post under 4 different aliases and have a conversation with themselves.

I strongly urge you to stop posting Chickyboom/Holdout/KBrassard/TraderJoey and/or log in to Agoracom another half dozen times.

IP Check Results


Treasurer (444)

Votes: 32 Score: 3.3


Mail Room (144)

Votes: 15 Score: 3.0


Mail Room (48)

Votes: 3 Score: 3.6


Mail Room (56)

Votes: 10 Score: 2.8

Listed above are all users who have last logged in from the same IP address as the message poster.

Post/Response from “Yikes” on the Agoracom Blog.


3 of 4 are on the dissenting list too...Good catch Brattymack

Post/Response from “Balducci” on the Agoracom Blog.


"3 of 4 are on the dissenting list too...Good catch Brattymack"Plus

dissenter"market chicky" which sounds close enough to "Chickyboom" to make one wonder. And 2 "Joey"s listed, in addition to TraderJoey. All in all, a good 800,000 or so share votes on the dissent list thrown into question.

Sort of makes one wonder how large the dissent community really is, doesn't it?

Post/Response from Brattymack on the Agoracom Blog.


You're good for 5 users, Balduch. What's the deal here folks?

IP Check Results


Treasurer (632)

Votes: 40 Score: 2.9


Mail Room (20)

Votes: 2 Score: 2.0


Mail Room (13)

Votes: 0


Mail Room (57)

Votes: 8 Score: 3.3


Mail Room (18)

Votes: 0

Listed above are all users who have last logged in from the same IP address as the message poster.



Uall said...

How does anybody ever take us seriously with these idiots posting on our board?

I laughed so hard when I saw that. And that Peggy Sue / Hedge Fund Guy thing was hilarious too.

NSX001 said...

It really makes you want to cry, there appears to be no way to stop these clowns from double, triple and quadruple dipping in the blog sauce.


bigjohn37 said...

Deception and lies are the trademark of these clowns; both in the visible/public arena, and also in cyberspace. I guess we just have to be vigilant. And the TRUTH shall prevail (remember: the truth shall set you free!).

ATInsider said...

So what's the deal with these guys? I don’t understand why some”one” would create individual accounts for the sole purpose to try and pump this merger as a positive. This only creates confusion and the spread of misinformation.

No thank you especially when we have extremely compelling information explaining why this merger is bad news for minority shareholders.

dave peters said...

I just typed in a reply that was lost to the ether. :( I will shorten it this time.

NSX01 and others. I (balducci) replied to Brattymack's question as soon as he raised it on Agoracom.

Some of my account IDs are due to Facebook IDs. I am sure I am not the only one who logs in from time to time while also signed in on Facebook.

Some of the accounts were created when I was on the road and did not have access to the main account (balducci) log in information.

If you check the activity, you will see that only the balducci account has ever been really active.

The most important thing to note here is that, unlike the other guy, I have never created accounts in order to conduct fake conversations with myself, in order to mislead others.

Also, unlike the other guy, I did not sign the dissent form multiple times, nor did I lie and later run and hide when my multiple accounts were identified. I did nothing unethical so I have no reason to.

Hopefully this post goes through, but I will cut and save it first just in case.

ATInsider said...

NO need Dave Peters, when do you plan on adding your CMM shares on the NO list?

dave peters said...

Nt300, thanks. I already added a very small nominal amount of shares to the list just to express my presence, maybe 3 or 4 days ago. I put it off until then because earlier I did not want to sign up for something without being sure about how I would vote. And I wasn't entirely happy that it is called a list of dissenters, given the official meaning of the term in the context of voting, so that is another reason I delayed.

Until the information circular comes out, I am still not about to commit the bulk of my votes one way or the other. I need to know the rest of the story first. But, as I said, I wanted to make sure my presence as a possible no voter / dissenter was at least counted. If you want to discuss this further feel free to PM me at Agoracom.

Rickydee, you are correct. I think it is a race between Microsoft and Google and Facebook to see which platform wins this race to develop a method for authentication that catches on.